

Welcome home from abroad!  We hope your experience was very rewarding as it challenged you and broadened your perspective of the world.  For many students, returning home after a semester abroad can be much more difficult than expected. Although you are probably happy and excited to see friends and family, it can be hard to leave behind the life you grew to know abroad. But you don't leave that life behind!

Resources! These pages include helpful tips for re-entry so that you can better understand and reflect upon your experiences as you re-integrate into your life with family, friends and the Willamette community. Please remember the OIE is a resource for you in this time of transition. Not only do we love to hear all about your time abroad (especially if your friends have had enough!), but we can connect with you with great opportunities to further explore your new skills and perspective or to consider future international opportunities. 

Feeling stress?  If you are experiencing stress or distress as a result of navigating this transition, Counseling Services is a great resource.  They have a lot of experience helping students to manage the challenges of finding their place again on campus, rejoining social groups and readjusting to the very busy campus life of a Bearcat.  Also, be aware of Willamette's new 24/7 telephone crisis counseling support called WUTalk where you can talk to a counselor at any time by calling (503) 375-5353.

Maximize your experience!  In addition, these pages should also help you organize both what you need to do to complete the IDS 102X Maximizing the Study Abroad Experience Course (.25).  Follow the links below.

We hope you will find this information useful to you!

Understanding Reentry

Returning from Study Abroad Activities

(can help fulfill IDS 102X course - see below)

IDS 102X Maximizing the Study Abroad Experience (.25) Course

  • See for deadlines and assignment details.  Final requirements include:
    • Returning from Abroad Assignment
    • Study Abroad Evaluation
    • Returning from Abroad Activity

What next?

Willamette University

Office of International Education

Global Learning Center
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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