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Logos & Lockups

Identification marks adopted by the university are meant to identify its communications, property, people, events, etc.

Proper and consistent use of identification elements build a stable foundation in the minds of our audiences in which a positive brand experience can be built.

  • The University Signature

    The Logotype and the compass make up the university signature

    The signature is available with the compass on the left (preferred) or in the center and may appear in full color, cardinal, black or reversed in white on dark or varying backgrounds.

    College, department, unit or other distinctions must be developed by the Office of Marketing & Communications.

    • Use the signature in a prominent position on all print and electronic communications.
    • Do not recreate or alter any elements.
    • The proportion of the signature should remain consistent at all sizes.
    • The signature must be clearly legible at all times.

    Preferred Left Compass Signature

    WU Signature - left compass

    View download options

    Top Compass Signature

    WU Signature - top compass


    Center Compass Signature

    WU Signature - center compass

    View download options

    Compass Only

    WU Compass Cardinal WU Compass Black WU Compass White WU Compass

    View download options

  • Signature Visual Integrity

    Clear Space

    Always allow clear space around the signature that is free of other elements. This space (shown as “x” in the illustrations below) should be equal to or greater that the height or width of the compass within that particular signature.

    signature clear space diagrams

    Size and Scaling

    To ensure legibility of the signature, see the minimum size recommendations below. There may be additional sizing limitations based on other reproduction methods. Never use the mark in a way that the type becomes illegible.

    • Always scale the signature proportionally.
    • Distortion in any way is unacceptable.

    Signature Minimum Sizes

    Willamette signature: Minimum size

    Always Scale Signature in Proportion

    Willamette signature: Scaling in proportion

    Never Distort the Signature

    Willamette signature: Never Distort the Signature

  • Backgrounds

    The signature may only be used over a photograph or background color if there is sufficient contrast between it and the image and if the color behind the signature is relatively continuous. It must be clear, legible and prominent in each instance.

    Willamette signature on three different backgrounds

    Willamette signature on three more different backgrounds

  • College, Unit or Department Distinctions

    The college unit distinction pairs the name of a college with the signature. Approved college, unit or department distinctions can be used for either print communications or merchandise (not including business cards).

    The university’s primary academic units and some administrative units and academic programs have approved versions of the official university signature.

    In these authorized configurations, the name of the unit appears in either the space below or to the right of the university signature. Approved college, unit or department distinctions can be used for electronic or print communications.

    College, unit and department distinctions follow the same guidelines and usage as the official university signature.

    No college, unit, department, program or university entity may create its own logo or alter official university marks. Please contact the office of Marketing & Communications for further options in identification.

    College Signatures – Select a logo to download

    WU signature: CAS

    WU signature: Law

    WU signature: MBA

    WU signature: MBA

    Website College Signatures – Select a logo to download

    WU Web signature: CAS

    WU Web signature: Law

    WU Web signature: MBA

    Unit and department signature samples – Select a logo to download

    WU signature: Bishop Wellness Center

    WU signature: Mark O. Hatfield Library

    WU signature: Print Services

    WU signature: Public Health

Willamette University


Waller Hall, First Floor
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.