

Willamette Email Signatures

Copy one of the signature blocks below, paste into your email signature block, and personalize with your name, contact information, and social media links.

The following email signatures are for university use only. Please do not alter the Willamette University logos. 

Please note: The social media icons in these signature blocks do not have pre-populated links. Be sure to add your own links to these icons (personal, departmental or University), and remove the icons you don’t use. Links to Willamette’s social media pages can be found in our Social Media Directory.

Option 1

Basic email signature with Willamette University logo.


Full Name
Job Title | Department
Office: [phone number] | Cell: [optional phone number]
Willamette University logo




Blitz Bearcat
Willamette Mascot | Student Engagement & Leadership
Office: 503-370-6463
Willamette University logo


Option 2

Email signature with Willamette University logo, including Colleges that Change Lives.


Full Name '00 | [optional pronouns]
Job Title | Department
Office: [phone number] | Text/Cell: [optional cell number]
Willamette University Logo | Proud Member of Colleges That Change Lives




Blitz Bearcat '00 | they/them/their
Willamette Mascot | Student Engagement & Leadership
Office: 503-370-6463 | Text/Cell: 503-370-6463
Willamette University Logo | Proud Member of Colleges That Change Lives

Option 3

Email signature with Willamette University logo, including Colleges that Change Lives, optional "Let's Chat" link and social media icons/links.


Full Name '00 | [optional pronouns]
Job Title | Department
900 State Street | [building & room] | Salem, OR 97301
Office: [phone number] | Cell: [optional cell number]
Let's Chat!
Willamette University Logo | Proud Member of Colleges That Change Lives
Facebook icon Instagram icon LinkedIn icon Twitter icon



Blitz Bearcat '00 | they/them/their
Willamette Mascot | Student Engagement & Leadership
900 State Street | Putnam University Center | Salem, OR 97301
Office: 503-370-6463 | Cell: 503-370-6463
Let's Chat!
Willamette University Logo | Proud Member of Colleges That Change Lives
Facebook icon Instagram icon LinkedIn icon Twitter icon

College of Law


Full Name '00 | [optional pronouns]
Job Title | Department
Office: [phone number] | Cell: [optional cell number]
Willamette University Logo | Law
Facebook icon Instagram icon LinkedIn icon Twitter icon



Blitz Bearcat '00 | they/them/their
Willamette Mascot | Student Engagement & Leadership
Office: 503-370-6463 | Cell: 503-370-6463
Willamette University Logo | Law
Facebook icon Instagram icon LinkedIn icon Twitter icon

Atkinson Graduate School of Management


Full Name '00 | [optional pronouns]
Job Title | Department
Office: [phone number] | Cell: [optional cell number]
Willamette University Logo | MBA
Facebook icon Instagram icon LinkedIn icon Twitter icon



Blitz Bearcat '00 | they/them/their
Willamette Mascot | Student Engagement & Leadership
Office: 503-370-6463 | Cell: 503-370-6463
Willamette University Logo | MBA
Facebook icon Instagram icon LinkedIn icon Twitter icon

Pacific Northwest College of Art


Full Name '00 | [optional pronouns]
Job Title | Department
Office: [phone number] | Cell: [optional cell number]
Willamette University Logo | PNCA
Facebook icon Instagram icon LinkedIn icon Twitter icon



Blitz Bearcat '00 | they/them/their
Willamette Mascot | Student Engagement & Leadership
Office: 503-226-4391 | Cell: 503-226-4391
Willamette University Logo | PNCA
Facebook icon Instagram icon LinkedIn icon Twitter icon

Willamette University


Waller Hall, First Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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