

Download the Form Files

Download the FedEx form. When prompted, open or save the file.

Convert to Template

  1. If you are not in Print Layout view, choose View > Print Layout (this command is called Page Layout in some versions of Word).
  2. Add your department information that will be the same each time you use the form (you'll see placeholder text on the form).
  3. Protect the document for form use:
    1. Choose Tools > Protect Document
    2. Click the Forms button
    3. Do not use a password
    4. Click OK
  4. Save the document as a Microsoft Word Template:
    1. Choose File > Save As
    2. In the Save as type box, select Document Template (*.dot). Word will automatically store the file in the Templates folder
    3. Click the Save button
  5. Close the document

Using the Template to Create a New Document

  1. Start Microsoft Word
  2. Choose File > New
  3. Double-click on of the template you want to use
  4. A new document opens that is based on the form template
  5. Complete the document and save it, as you would with any Word document

Locating Your Templates

If you need to make corrections or additions to any of your templates, you must locate and open the template file. Template files are stored in various places, depending on how Microsoft Word is configured.

  1. In Microsoft Word, choose Tools > Options > File Locations (Macintosh: Tools > Preferences > File Locations)
  2. Select User Templates under File Types
  3. Click the Modify button
  4. On the next screen, you'll be able to determine where templates you have created are stored. Make a note of this location, then close the Options (or Preferences) dialog box.
  5. Choose File > Open
  6. Change Files of type to Document Templates (*.dot)
  7. Locate the template you want to modify, then click Open
  8. Make your changes, save, and close the file
Willamette University

Mail Center

Putnam University Center, First Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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