

Mosaics has existed as a program since the Fall of 2011 but its origins go way back. Its creation was prompted by two students, Rosie Glade and Margarita Gutierrez, doing their final project in Theory and Methods for American Ethnic Studies. Margarita wanted to create a program that in some ways was an extension of the Ohana Jump Start program. She wanted the mentoring relationship established between Ohana leaders and participants to continue throughout the school year in a structured way. Additionally, the program Margarita envisioned would not only provide mentoring for younger students but also leadership opportunities.

Today, Mosaics provides mentoring relationships to multicultural students across Willamette University, not just those in the Ohana Jump Start program. The program is rapidly expanding as Willamette has seen a 400% increase in diversity numbers since 2005.

Willamette University

Office of Intercultural Engagement and Inclusion

Renjen Center - York Hall
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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