

Job Changes

Promotions and Reclassifications

A student's job title within a department may be changed at any point during the year if the student's duties or responsibilities change. Employers should make changes such as account and/or wage rate information on the student's work-study job definition on JASON. Off-campus employers must complete a new Intent to Hire form to initiate a wage increase.


Although terminations are infrequent, it is vitally important that all parties follow the University’s policies when a termination occurs.


Students are expected, although not required, to work a minimum of one semester before changing jobs. A student must give the employer two weeks notice when terminating; however, it is acceptable for an employer and employee to agree upon a shorter period of notice.


If an employer is not satisfied with a student's performance, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Discuss the problem with the student
  2. if the problem continues, write the student a letter describing the problem, the previously held verbal discussion(s), and a statement of consequences if the behavior is not corrected. (You may wish to give the student a particular time frame in which to correct the problem.) A copy of this letter must be forwarded to the Office of Financial Aid immediately; and
  3. if there is no correction of the behavior, the student's employment should be terminated. The employer should notify in writing both the student and the Office of Financial Aid. Be sure to state the reasons that the employee was terminated.

Problems such as dishonesty or theft call for immediate dismissal from the program. Employers should contact the Office of Financial Aid as soon as possible in such instances.

When a notice of termination is received by the Office of Financial Aid, the Work-Study Coordinator will contact the student and provide counseling regarding the situation. If an employer initiates a termination for a non-negative reason, such as budgetary constraints or the completion of a project, the termination should be handled similar to a student-initiated termination with the employer giving the student at least two weeks notice.

Willamette University

Office of Financial Aid

1st Floor Waller Hall
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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