

Kaneko Emergency Generator Fueling Policy


Cover storm drain, which is located in front of the automatic east gate, with the Neoprene Drain Cover located in the "Spill Kit" which may be found in the Gen Set area.

Install "The Sock" (also located in the "Spill Kit") on the slab across the gate opening in the Gen Set area.

Place "Universal Pads" (located in the "Spill Kit") on all sides of fueling intake area.

Take care not to spill any chemicals and fill the Gen Set with the appropriate product(s).

When the Gen Set has been serviced

  • Remove pads, disposing properly of any pads that may have been contaminated. Return other Pads to Spill Kit and replace any contaminated pads.
  • Remove Sock and return to Spill Kit, if uncontaminated. Properly dispose of if contaminated and make sure to replace sock with new and return to Spill Kit.
  • Remove Neoprene Drain Cover from Storm Drain and replace in Spill Kit if uncontaminated. Otherwise clean/replace.

Make sure Spill Kit has been restocked.

Willamette University

Facilities Management

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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