

Facilities Management Pesticide Use At Ford Hall Bio-Planters


                    Ban on Use of Pesticides at Ford Hall Bio-Filter Planters




  It shall be the policy of Willamette University to prevent the use of pesticides in and around Ford Hall, especially at the bio-filtration planters.    Pesticide use in or around the facility could cause contamination of the storm water bio-filtration collection system which in turn would release pesticide contaminated water into the Municipal storm water system.   Willamette University has committed to being environmentally responsible and as such will not use pesticides that would contaminate the storm water runoff from Ford Hall.




It shall be the policy of Willamette University to use only environmentally friendly methods to deal with pests in the landscaping around Ford Hall and elsewhere on Campus.   No pesticides of any kind shall be used in or near the bio-filtration storm water planters at Ford Hall.



Goals and Strategies:          

The goal is to have 100% compliance with this policy through education of WU Grounds staff, Maintenance staff, Housekeeping staff, Facilities Management, faculty and students as to the necessity to not use pesticides in and around Campus.



By complying with this policy, Willamette University shall set a positive example and play a significant role in the advancement of environmental stewardship both on the Campus and in the Community in which we live. 

Willamette University

Facilities Management

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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