

CSL has collected a variety of templates, worksheets and links to aid you in the development of your service-learning course. Our resources are organized under the following categories: (Click a link to proceed to that category.)

Course Planning & Syllabus Development

  • Faculty Toolkit for Service-Learning in Higher Education

    This is your one-stop guide to developing your service learning course.

  • The Campus Compact Resource Library for faculty contains hundreds of Service-Learning syllabi organized by field. Worth exploring if you are looking for service models or course integration ideas!

  • Course Development Worksheet

    This document from the Northwest Indian College Center for Service Learning provides an excellent prompt as you develop your service-learning course. It guides faculty through consideration of aspects such as course and student learning objectives, preparation, reflection, curricular integration and other important factors. Worth taking a look at for any faculty member considering developing a service-learning-course.

Community/Student Agreements

  • Sample Community-Campus Partnership Agreement/MOU

    This Partnership Agreement/MOU from the Indiana University School of Dentistry provides an easy example for and formal arrangement you develop with a community partner. Feel free to modify this template to fit your needs as you develop your course. For guidance in developing your own Partnership Agreement, please reference the Higher Education Toolkit for a development worksheet!

  • Partnership Agreements Worksheet

    This worksheet can be used as a guide as you work with your community partner to develop a partnership agreement. This document follows the format of the Sample Community-Campus Partnership Agreement/MOU found above, and is adapted from a worksheet found in the Higher Education Toolkit available in the "Course Planning & Syllabus Development" section of this page.

Hours Tracking

  • Student Hours Documentation Form

    We welcome you to provide this hours documentation form to your students for use in your Service Learning Course. This form records time in/out, hours spent, responsibilities, and requires a site supervisor signature (to be signed after each shift or at the end of the semester).

  • Student Placement Tracker for Faculty

    This Excel spreadsheet is intended to assist faculty in keeping track of students' service-learning progress throughout the semester. Information that can be tracked includes student contact information, the contact information of students' service sites and site supervisors, as well as service hours submitted by students. Formulas within the sheet can highlight students who have reached the service hours requirement set forth by the instructor.


Contact Emily Morris for information about creating a reflection map and best practices of service-learning reflection.
  • A Manual for Facilitating Reflection

    This resource helps you to understand the role of reflection in Service-Learning courses, as well as your role as a facilitator. A number of ideas for reflection activities are included within, including the "What? So what? Now what?" activity commonly used on the Willamette campus. For more reflection ideas, we encourage you to explore the Higher Education Service-Learning Toolkit found above!

  • ABCs of Reflection Guide

    This document is intended to serve as a concise guide to Welch's ABCs of Reflection model (full article below). This guide provides additional sample prompts, as well as descriptions of the ABC categories that can be repurposed for use in describing the model to students.

Additional Resources

  • Willamette's Mark O. Hatfield Library contains an array of service-learning materials.

  • Community Service Learning Office Library

    Resources are available in our Service-Learning WISE Site and we are available for in-person consulting.

Willamette University

Office of Civic Engagement

900 State Street
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503-370-6463 voice
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