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Crisis & Emergency Communications

In the event of a crisis, the university will convene its Crisis Communications Team to clarify communication roles and responsibilities in order to accommodate the information needs of a variety of audiences.

A crisis may include a campus emergency that threatens the life, property or general safety of the campus community. Examples include (but are not limited to):

  • Severe weather
  • Natural disaster
  • Fire
  • Active shooter
  • Other crime-in-progress on campus
  • Cyber event

An acute campus emergency will often involve a relatively large number of people over a relatively short period of time. A crisis may also be an event, discovery or other occurrence that threatens the reputation of the university or threatens the university's ability to carry out its mission. Examples of crisis situations that involve a threat to the university include misconduct on the part of a person affiliated with the university or the discovery of a significant financial irregularity.

Emergency Communications

In case of a campus or regional emergency — such as those due to weather, natural disasters or fires — the Crisis Communication Team will manage communications between the campus community and the public.

In an emergency, it's important to stay calm, avoid speculation and share accurate information. Please refer reporters to the Crisis Communication Contacts below in these situations. You can say:

“To ensure we provide the most accurate information, please contact our Crisis Communications Team at 503-370-6031 or 503-370-6280.”

Weather Closures

If Willamette closes due to weather conditions, information is available from these sources:

  • On the Willamette homepage
  • University Switchboard: 503-370-6300
  • A message sent through the university’s Emergency Alert System
  • An all-campus email

Crisis Communications Contacts

Colleen Kawahara, Chief of Staff, Office of the President and Vice President for Communications
503-370-6031 (Office)

Willamette University

University Communications

Waller Hall, 5th Floor
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.