

In recognition of a series of gifts received over a five-year period from the members of the CLA Class of 1969, Willamette University hereby establishes the Class of 1969 (50th) Reunion Fund to directly provide vital and ongoing support for Willamette University undergraduate students in pursuit of their educations. 

Any sophomore, junior or senior student enrolled full time in the College of Arts & 快活视频s at the University shall be eligible for consideration without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, gender, age, marital status, or sexual orientation.

Fund preference will be given to any junior or senior who is fully immersed in the life of campus as demonstrated by personal leadership and/or service. 

At the time of formalizing this agreement, the Class of '69 was comprised of 204 living alumni of whom 20% formed the initial base of donators for establishing the Fund. The Class of '69 was always considered highly energized and accomplished academically, athletically, politically, and socially at Willamette, and they were also a clear reflection of the dynamic events which shaped and dominated the social and political landscapes of the late 1960s: emerging civil rights concerns; questioning and challenging authority; choosing to serve, support, or challenge the drafting of male students for military service; moving away from WU religious "convocation" requirements; moving WU away from required dress standards and closing hours for female students; and, in general, precipitating students taking greater control of their own academic and social lives in college. 

Willamette University

Career Development

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