

Career Development is dedicated to providing resources and supporting Willamette students who are transfer students, non-traditional students, and student veterans by tailoring our services to meet your unique needs.

Career Challenges for Transfer Students, Non-traditional Students, and Student Veterans Advice and Support from WU Career Development
Nontraditional Resume, Nontraditional Experiences We recognize that coming into college you may have a lot more experience than traditional students, meaning you may need to disregard some of the traditional resume advice, such has stick to one page, or start with your education.
Balancing multiple responsibilities Many non-traditional, transfer and veteran students have additional responsibilities outside of school and finding and completing internships can prove challenging. If you are working outside of school, or find it difficult to gain experience in your field, talk with a career advisor about strategies you can use to explore options.
Feeling behind on joining student clubs, organizations, and building experience through co-curricular involvement Many non-traditional, transfer and veteran students come to Willamette and aren’t sure what clubs and organizations to join or feel like those groups and clubs are already formed. We can help students consider the most beneficial experiences to take advantage of, specifically as they relate to building leadership and professional skills.
Navigating a sense of urgency to build professional experience through Internships and Experiential Learning Transfer students specifically feel behind in their career readiness. We can help students find and identify internship and professional skill-building experiences, and offer Internships for Academic credit.

Student Veterans

: Search your Military Occupation Code to find civilian jobs that are similar to your job in the military. This tool can be particularly helpful in helping you tailor your resume to civilian positions. Each civilian job link provides examples of tasks and skills the position utilizes.

: Hiring Our Heroes is a nationwide initiative to help veterans, transitioning service members, and military spouses find meaningful employment opportunities

: If you’re a Veteran who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and were separated under honorable conditions, you may be eligible for veterans’ preference, as well as other veteran-specific hiring options.

Internships for Academic Credit

Many student veterans, nontraditional students, and transfer students enter Willamette while working at a professional job or internship. Through Career Development, it is possible to earn academic credit for such positions. Sometimes, this can help you find balance in between work and school. To see if your position is eligible for internship credit and for information on how to enroll, visit the course website.

Transfer Students

Transfer Student Orientation: Every semester, Career Development has a table at the Transfer Student Resource Fair. This is a great place to meet us and to start a conversation on how resources that we have for your personal career development.

Student Organizations: Getting involved in organizations that align with your career values and interests are a great way to experience an industry or field while adapting to WU. Willamette has over 100 student organizations to join. The experiences that you gain in student organizations can lead to strong examples of leadership skills, team-work, presentation skills, and technical skills which are all highly valued by employers.

Resources for Transfer Students, Non-traditional Students, and Student Veterans @WU

SOAR Center: Students Organizing for Access to Resources (SOAR) works to provide more resources like the Bearcat Pantry and Clothing Share to create equitable access to food, professional clothes, and other scholarly resources. 

Veteran’s Services @WU - The Office of the Registrar works in partnership with the US Department of Veterans Affairs to assist veterans and their eligible dependents to participate in the VA's Education Benefits Programs.

Course Selection and Registration for Transfer Students

Willamette University

Career Development

UC 3rd floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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