

Willamette University Travel Choices

Corporate Travel Management (CTM) and on-line booking tool, Concur is the preferred travel agency to handle all authorized domestic and international travel needs for the University. CTM is available to University faculty and staff members for all University related travel needs, and to students and visitors traveling on University business, but is not intended for personal travel.

The phone number to call CTM for agent assisted reservations is 1-877-564-1095.

Concur Online Booking System

The online booking system is Concur. Access the  by clicking the link.

Sign in with your University email address (including @willamette.edu) and password. If you do not have a password click on the "Forgot or don't have a password?" link. Concur will email you a temporary password. To contact Corporate Travel Management email wu@travelctm.com or call 1-877-564-1095.

Willamette University


University Services Building -- Rm 104
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6104 voice
503-370-6633 fax

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