

Door Prize Drawings

“Door Prize Drawing means a drawing held by a nonprofit organization at a meeting of the organization where both the sale of tickets and the drawing(s) occur during the meeting and the total value of the prize(s) does not exceed $600”.

No special permission is required to conduct a “Door Prize Drawing” if it falls within the parameters of the above guidelines as defined by .


“Raffle means a form of a lottery in which each participant buys a ticket for an article or money designated as a prize and where the winner is determined by a random drawing. A raffle includes the elements of consideration, chance and a prize. Consideration is presumed to be present unless it is clearly and conspicuously disclosed to prospective participants that tickets to the drawing may be acquired without contributing something of economic value. Tickets for a raffle are usually sold outside of the event.”

All staff, faculty, and student organizations wishing to conduct a Raffle must get permission from the Administrative Services Office. Please contact us at 503-370-6112 for assistance prior to planning the event. No Raffles of any kind may be conducted without approval from the Administrative Services Office.

Willamette University owns a State of Oregon Class “A” Raffle License. The University permits raffles to be held on campus under the parameters of local and state laws. Raffles in Oregon are considered a form of gambling and are regulated by the Oregon Department of Justice.

After approval is received, you may proceed with other additional requirements needed in order to comply with Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR).

If there are no special raffle tickets printed, it is required that you have at all ticket sale locations a flyer/poster listing the required information as stated below:

  • the date and time of the drawing;
  • the location of the drawing; the name of the organization conducting the drawing;
  • the price of the chance;
  • a full and fair description of the prize or prizes to be awarded;
  • the retail market value of each prize to be awarded,
  • total number of tickets which may be sold.

All printed tickets must contain the above information.

For more information and to see other requirements of a raffle, go to website section pertaining to Raffles.

Willamette University


University Services Building -- Rm 104
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6104 voice
503-370-6633 fax

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