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Documentation Guidelines

Accessible Education Services (AES) provides holistic support for students that experience disability (disabled students). In addition, AES determines eligibility for all student accommodations for both PNCA and Salem Campus academic programs. Appropriate information must be on file with AES to determine reasonable accommodations and related resources. AES acknowledges that obtaining third party documentation can present access barriers and will collaborate with students to evaluate all available information. Disability documentation must verify the nature of the disability and the disability-related barriers (functional limitations) in accordance with current professional standards and address student's specific accommodation requests. Third party documentation will typically be required for accommodations outlined in Specific Accommodation Processes. AES in accordance with professional standards will assess all requests on a case-by-case basis.

Essential Elements of Comprehensive Disability Documentation:

  • A diagnostic statement identifying the disability
  • A history of the condition, past accommodations, and/or medications
  • A description of the expected progression or stability of the disability
  • A description of the current functional limitations as relevant to the academic environment
  • Names of any assessment instruments used
  • The credentials of the evaluator(s)

Notes on Documentation:

AES notes that each student's disability history and experience is unique. AES will not be able to determine whether documentation is sufficient until AES staff has had the opportunity to both meet with the student and evaluate all aspects relevant to the request. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with AES even if they believe their documentation is incomplete. Please review the following statements related to various forms of information.

  • An IEP or 504 plan: An IEP or 504 plan summary in and of itself, may not be sufficient for determining accommodation eligibility. It may be enough to provide some accommodations and can be used as a component of a more comprehensive report. The information included in 504 or IEP plans can very significantly. In some cases, the information provided in an 504/IEP is consistent with the provided comprehensive documentation examples above. 
  • A physician’s prescription in itself is not comprehensive documentation.
  • Medical records with the name of the condition(s) with no additional information of current disability impacts is not comprehensive documentation.
  • Documentation prepared by family members will not be accepted.
  • An accommodation letter from a previous institution can be used to establish disability accommodation history but students must complete the accommodation request process outlined by AES. Typically, additional documentation beyond an accommodation letter from a different institution will be required.
  • AES will take into account the age of documentation for conditions that change over time. Documentation that does not reflect current experiences will require updates consistent with best practices.  

Accessible Education Services (AES) may request additional documentation if the information currently available to AES does not adequately support the accommodation(s) being requested. 

Where to Send Documentation

  • Scan and email it to accessible-info@willamette.edu
  • Fax it to 503-370-6647
  • Mail it to our office: Accessible Education Services, Willamette University, Smullin 155, 900 State Street, Salem, OR 97301
  • Drop it off in person in Smullin 155. PNCA students may drop off documentation to the AES office in PNCA 270.
Willamette University

Accessible Education Services

Salem Campus

Smullin 155
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6737 voice
503-370-6647 fax

Portland Campus

Room 270
Pacific Northwest College of Art
511 NW Broadway
Portland Oregon 97227 U.S.A.