

Seeking at least 20 mentors for the 24-25 Mosaics Program

Contact: Juliane Corpus

Become a mentor to the Mosaics Mentorship Program for First-Generation College Students. As a new residential themed community, we are heavily seeking mentors to our incoming first-gen scholars.

The Mosaics Mentorship program is recruiting staff, faculty, and students (3rd year status and above, graduate school included) to support students outside of classrooms.

The Mosaics Mentorship Program offers students the opportunity to cultivate an intentional and positive experience with the support of a mentor, focusing on students' belonging, self-growth, well-being, and identity. Mentors will provide knowledge about campus resources, be a success advocate, and most of all, serve as a compassionate listening ear for these excited scholars.

We hope to foster and grow these relationships through transformational moments. Each month mentors and mentees are expected to meet once a month and opt into monthly gatherings with other mentors/mentees within the program. Mentors can opt into having more than one mentee, as can mentees can opt into more than one mentor.

While preferred, it is not a requirement for mentors to identify as first-generation college students. Mentors will need to attend (1) training session on motivational interviewing held throughout the summer. Registering for a session will be sent to you shortly after your application submission. With this huge lift, we're excited to propel and build a better support system for our first-gen scholars on campus-- we hope you consider becoming a mentor!

We are accepting applications until Aug. 2 for mentors to be paired up with first year students in our residential themed community, Mosaics. 

For any questions, please contact Juliane Corpus (jcorpus2@willamette.edu).

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