

Sex Education & Zine Making Workshop with Caitlin Chow-Ise

Contact: Juliane Corpus

Pleasure is Power: This workshop will be a chance for folks with marginalized identities to explore sex positivity and the power of pleasure. Workshops presented on Salem & Portland campuses on Tuesday, April 16.

Caitlin Chow-Ise is a queer, trans, hapa Chinese femme and the creator of The S3x Talk, a place where sex education, creativity, and social justice meet. The S3x Talk began in 2020 as an Instagram-based sex education hub, with an emphasis on QTBIPOC communities and their pleasure. Over the years, the space has grown to house Caitlin's art practice as well. Caitlin's two favorite mediums are risograph printing and sticker making, and she loves making zines to get her thoughts out of their head and onto paper. The S3x Talk is always growing and changing, and Caitlin is excited to welcome people to the world of sex ed and art-making for marginalized folks!

This workshop will be a chance for folks with marginalized identities to explore sex positivity and the power of pleasure. Through both a presentation and hands-on zine making, participants will learn that their pleasure is not gratuitous, but rather a tool for liberation.


Portland Campus
April 16, 1–2 p.m.
Schnitzer Center Room 611

Salem Campus
April 16, 4:30–6 p.m.
Putnam University Center
Alumni Lounge

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