

Wellness tips for the holidays

Contact: Olivia Mu帽oz & Don Thomson

The JED foundation offers some resources for navigating holiday stress.

As we head into the winter break and the holiday season, we write with some tips for caring for your emotional health provided by the JED Foundation. While the holidays can be a joyous time spent reconnecting with friends and family, they can also be overwhelming. Feelings of loneliness, anxiety, or sadness can sometimes occur. JED offers a few tips and resources that may be useful in helping us navigate the stresses of the holidays and truly recharge.

  • Prioritize sleep and indulge in some down time. It’s okay to take a break from — or say no to — social gatherings, make time for hobbies you enjoy, and connect with what is most important to you about the holidays.
  • Take a break from social media. Holidays are often seen as a cheerful time, which creates pressure for things to be “perfect” and leads to disappointment if they’re not.
  • Remember to breathe! Getting grounded in where you are at any given time can help you feel less overwhelmed.
  • Connect with loved ones by phone. Instead of texting, connect by phone — hearing a familiar voice can be calming and comforting.
  • Acknowledge your grief. If you have lost a loved one, remember that there is no right or wrong way to grieve or celebrate, and your grief matters whether you feel sad or find joy during this time.
  • Move your body as you are able. Movement gets the blood flowing and brings your attention to the present moment.
  • Meditate. Taking the time to sit down and simply follow your breath can bring you into the moment and help you feel connected.

We hope you have a restful and restorative winter break. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in January.

Olivia Muñoz, Dean of Students for Community Care & Inclusion – Co-Chair, JED Campus Committee

Don Thomson, Associate Dean for Health and Well-being – Co-Chair, JED Campus Committee

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