

Join the Mosaics Mentorship program

Contact: Juliane Corpus

Mosaics is for first-gen college students. Be a mentee or mentor.

The Mosaics Mentorship program is recruiting staff, faculty and students (3rd-year status and above, graduate school included) to support students outside of classrooms. We are also looking for students who are interested in having a mentor.

The Mosaics Mentorship Program offers students the opportunity to cultivate an intentional and positive experience with the support of a mentor, focusing on students' belonging, self-growth, well-being, and identity. Mentors will provide knowledge about campus resources, be a success advocate, and most of all, serve as a compassionate listening ear for these excited scholars.

We hope to foster and grow these relationships through transformational moments. Mentors and mentees are expected to meet once a month and opt into monthly gatherings with other mentors/mentees within the program. Mentors can opt into having more than one mentee, as can mentees can opt into more than one mentor.

While preferred, it is not a requirement for mentors to identify as first-generation college students. Mentors will need to attend (1) training session on motivational interviewing in January. Registering for a session will be sent to you shortly after your application submission.


See the links below to apply to be a mentor or mentee. The deadline to submit these forms will be Jan. 29, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. We hope to provide pairings by mid-February.

For any questions, please reach out to Juliane Corpus .

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