

Update to time off in Workday

Contact: Kelly Rose Lavery

Small changes for the way you request time away from work in Workday.

Dear Willamette Community,

Human Resources wishes to inform you of a few small changes to the way to request time off from work in Workday. The most noticeable change is how to start the time off request; instead of selecting Time Off from the menu, you will select Absence. The process from there is similar to the old process, but with a few differences. The new process for requesting time off is outlined in the Employee Absence Management job aid, linked on this page and also available on the Human Resources webpage. This job aid also contains instructions for viewing current time off balances, viewing time off balances for a future date, and how to correct or cancel a time off request.

The HR team is happy to answer any questions; please don’t hesitate to contact us at hr@willamette.edu.

Willamette University

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