

Support available for students, faculty and staff

With the news of violence in Israel and Gaza, there are understandable feelings of shock, anger, and sadness, especially among those members of our community with ties to the region.

With the news of violence in Israel and Gaza, there are understandable feelings of shock, anger, and sadness, especially among those members of our community with ties to the region.

We want to remind you that there are support resources available:


Bishop Wellness Center
University counseling services for students in Salem and Portland from any school. Call (503) 370-6471 to make an appointment.

Free, independent student telehealth counseling.

WUTalk, serviced by ProtoCall
Free and confidential crisis counselors 24/7 (503) 375-5353

Spaces to pause and reflect for students:


  • Community Room, Gender Resource and Advocacy Center, Montag, 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
  • The Student Center for Equity and Empowerment, conference room, inside the Renjen Center, 7 a.m.–11 p.m.


  • Reflection Room No. 5 at the Market Street Portland campus, during open hours
  • Reflection Room at PNCA, room 312b,

Contact the Office of Student Affairs with general questions at: student-affairs-office@willamette.edu, (503) 370-6447 for Salem and pnca-student-life@willamette.edu, Room 261 at PNCA.


Willamette offers two employee assistance programs (EAP) for faculty and staff who may encounter professional and/or personal challenges.

All services provided by are strictly confidential.
Group #: willametteuniversity
(800) 433-2320

Confidential employee assistance program provides unlimited access to consult with a professional counselor via telephone.
(800) 386-7055

Contact Human Resources for more information and support at hr@willamette.edu.


Any student, staff, or faculty member can contact the Chaplain’s Office:
The Rev. I. Pearl Adesanya
2nd Floor of the University Center

Spaces to pause and reflect for all community members:


  • Reflection Room in the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, 2nd floor, University Center, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Cone Chapel, 2nd floor Waller Hall, daily, 7:30–10:30 a.m.
  • Muslim Prayer Room AGSM Annex, 24/7 with card access. Non-AGSM students can contact the Chaplain at chaplain@willamette.edu to get access added to key cards.


  • Reflection Room No. 5 at the Market Street Portland campus, during open hours
  • Reflection Room at PNCA, room 312b,
Willamette University

Marketing and Communications

Waller Hall, Fourth Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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