

Make meaningful impact on first year students

Contact: Olivia Munoz

The First Year Experience is looking for Campus Partners for the Fall 2023 Colloquium Class.

Every fall, College Colloquium faculty, Colloquium Associates (undergraduate teaching assistants), and Campus Partners (professional staff) work together to support first-year CAS students. Each team is encouraged to develop their own individual strategies for collaboration on CHASE (Community-building, Health, and Academic Success Experience) sessions. Here are the expectations for Campus Partners (CPs):

  • Attend all CHASE sessions on Thursdays from 11:20 a.m.–12:10 p.m. OR 12:10–1 p.m. during the Fall 2023 semester. You will be assigned a specific time and section.
  • Encouraged to attend the weekly training sessions for the student Colloquium Associates (CAs) on Mondays from 2:50–3:50 p.m.
  • May hold virtual office hours (or invite students to office hours you already hold) and interact informally with students.
  • Attend the first CC class, study session during Opening Days, and Friday lunch during Opening Days.
  • Lead part of the first CHASE session on “How to WU”
  • Lead additional components of CHASE in collaboration with the CA

CPs do not have to be content experts on the class / faculty pairing. In fact, much of the CP work is in supporting and developing students outside of class. CPs are not expected to attend the CC class beyond the first meeting.

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