

Carson grant deadline — March 22

Contact: Jeanne E Clark

CAS sophomores and juniors: Apply to have a summer research project in the arts or sciences funded.

Carson grant applications from CAS sophomores and juniors are due on March 22.

Past funded projects have ranged from studying grizzly bears to writing and illustrating children's books, from examining radical politics to composing music for a wind ensemble.

Carson Grants offer Willamette undergraduates the opportunity to undertake a scholarly, creative, or professional research project during the summer. Approximately 10 grants of up to $3,000 are available each year.

Students may apply for these competitive grants either as sophomores or juniors. Projects may be creative and artistic, literary, investigative, interdisciplinary, and performative. Past successful grant proposals and final project reports are on file and available for review in the Academic Commons.

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