

Benefits open enrollment begins today

Contact: Nicole Stewart

It's time to update your benefits.

Our annual enrollment period begins today, Feb. 13, and continues through Tuesday, Feb. 28. Changes made during this time will go into effect on April 1.

Your open enrollment “to-do” list:

• Review the 2023 open enrollment packet and the information on the open enrollment section of the website to become knowledgeable about your plan options and familiarize yourself with any premium changes.

• Attend a one-on-one appointment. These sessions are a great opportunity to ask specific questions and get personalized help. Please refer to page 5 of your open enrollment packet for times and dates.

• Log into Workday to make changes as desired to your plan choices.

• While in Workday, make sure to re-enroll in your flexible spending accounts if you wish to participate for the 2023-24 plan year. If you do not re-enroll, you will not have a flex account in 2023-24. You will be unable to access any carryover funds if you do not re-enroll into the new plan year.

If you are satisfied with your current plans, and do not wish to participate in a healthcare or dependent care flexible spending account, there is nothing more you need to do. Your current plans, other than flexible spending accounts, will remain in effect for the new plan year.

Have a great open enrollment!

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