

Campus climate survey is open

Contact: Emilio A Solano

Check your email for the link to participate in this important survey.

Each member of our community received an email from Emilio Solano, assistant provost for institutional equity and community engagement, with a link to participate in an important survey.

The Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS) Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey asks students, faculty, staff, and administrators about their:

  • Perceptions of Willamette’s climate,
  • Perceptions of how Willamette supports diversity and equity, and
  • Experiences with discrimination and harassment at Willamette.

As Willamette strives to be a diverse and inclusive learning community, we will use this data in our efforts to inform and improve Willamette services and policies at the respective colleges of our university. The survey will be open until March 5, but we encourage you to take it as soon as you can!

Thank you in advance for your participation in this important event for our university community. Should you have any questions, please contact Emilio Solano at easolano@willamette.edu.

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