

New university-wide DEI Committee established

Contact: Emilio A Solano

New committee will connect stakeholders across the university in our collective DEI efforts.

We are proud to announce the establishment of a new university-wide committee focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts across the four colleges (LAW, AGSM, CAS, PNCA) and one committee of studies (COS) that make up Willamette.

The DEI Committee is chaired by Emilio Solano, Assistant Provost for Institutional Equity and Community Engagement, and is made up of faculty and student representatives from each of the colleges as well as general university representatives.

Recognizing that each college has its own DEI initiatives and/or working groups, this committee’s charge is to actively promote awareness of — and a shared commitment to — diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout Willamette University.

It will serve as a coordinating body, connecting faculty, staff, and students across the university to develop and share strategies and resources (and avoid the duplication of efforts) as part of our ongoing and collective effort to make Willamette a more equitable institution. The committee will meet monthly starting in November 2022.

College Representatives

Stephen Patterson - CAS Faculty

Rou Rou Hutchinson - CAS Student

Karen Sandrik - Law Faculty

Brooke Trujillo - Law Student

Tim Johnson - AGSM Faculty

Topeka Gibson-Grossman - AGSM Student

Jay Ponteri - PNCA Faculty

Davis Bashungwa - PNCA Student

Jameson Watts - COS Faculty

Justus Eaglesmith - COS Student

University Representatives

Olivia Munoz - Dean of Community Care & Inclusion

Kelvin Clark - Associate Dean of Students, PNCA

Ineda Adesanya - Chaplain

Dana Monaghan - Assistant Vice President for Human Resources

William Mullen - Vice President for Enrollment Management

Kip Iaone - Head Coach, Men's Basketball

Delia Olmos-Garcia - Executive Director, Willamette Academy

Colleen Kawahara - Chief of Staff, President's Office

Kelly Symons - Assistant Director, Accessible Education Services

Lisa Logan - Director, Gender Resource and Advocacy Center

For more information about committees coming out of the Office of the Provost, you can visit their webpage. 

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