

Lenten Reflection Series 2022

Contact: Kimberly E Griggs

Kim Griggs, interfaith chaplain intern and CST student, offers a Lenten reflection.

"There is a prayer that circulates often by an unknown author, and it goes by a few titles such as “The Reverse Prayer of Saint Francis,” “The Reverse Peace Prayer,” and “The Disturbance Prayer.” I pray it regularly as a white spiritual caregiver with humanist values who is committed to justice, agency, and compassion. I hope others may also resonate with it and its call for disturbance.

As a note, I have changed the title of "Lord" found in the prayer to "Mother," and "Creator."

It goes:

Creator, make me a channel of disturbance.

Where there is apathy, let me provoke;

Where there is compliance, let me bring questioning;

Where there is silence, may I be a voice.

Where there is too much comfort and too little action, grant disruption;

Where there are doors closed and hearts locked,

Grant the willingness to listen.

When laws dictate and pain is overlooked…

When tradition speaks louder than need…

Grant that I may seek to do justice rather than to talk about it;

Disturb us, O Mother.

To be with, as well as for, the alienated;

To love the unlovable as well as the lovely;

Creator, make me a channel of disturbance."

Please be reminded, if you are interested in contributing to this Lenten series, we invite you to upload a short reflection using the link below.

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