

Lenten Reflection Series 2022

Contact: Kimberly E Griggs

CJ Lane, office assistant in the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life, offers a reflection.

"Hold Your Own" by Kate Tempest:

When all there is is knowing that you feel what you are feeling

Hold your own

Ask your hands to know the things they hold

I know, the days are reeling past in such squealing blasts

But stop for breath and you will know it's yours

Swaying like an open door when storms are coming


"Although Lent is not something I traditionally practice, I want to take some time this year for reflection. I often find myself rushing, trying to keep up with the onslaught of life around me. It is easy to get lost in the chaos and lose yourself. I love this poem because it reminds me to ground myself in reality. Take time to stop and breathe, even during the storm. Take time to focus on what you have already achieved, and take comfort in the people around you."

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