

I 鉂わ笍 Female Orgasm

Contact: Andrea Doyle Hugmeyer

Join us to laugh and learn about the big O. All genders welcome to attend.

The I ❤️ Female Orgasm event educates participants about sexuality and pleasure. While the topic is relevant and inclusive of all genders, we know that female orgasm is rarely centered in educational settings. Students will find this material engaging and useful in their own lives as well as gain insight on how to model inclusive, accessible ways of teaching and talking about sexuality to be used in future careers in a variety of fields.

Presenters Marshall Miller and Lindsay Fram, founders of “Sex Discussed Here,” will provide this virtual program in partnership with Linfield University and Western Oregon University. Willamette students will gather in Montag Den at 7 p.m. tonight, March 10th, for the program. Sexual health is an important component to a vibrant, healthy campus community. This event is sponsored by Choice Action Team and the Gender Resource & Advocacy Center.

The Female Orgasm program includes:

  • An emphasis on individuals making sexual decisions that are right for them, including whether to use the information now or in a committed relationship
  • A discussion about consent as the foundation of partnered sex, underlying everything else
  • Analysis of the messages people receive about their bodies and sexuality from media, families, and elsewhere.
  • Body image, and the links between "befriending your body" and experiencing physical pleasure Anatomy, far beyond typical high school health class
  • Tips for partners about being patient and respectful
  • The problems with pressure to have an orgasm, to orgasm faster, to have multiple orgasms, to orgasm with a partner, to fake or not fake orgasms
  • Modeling of ways to talk about bodies, identities, and sexuality in ways that are extremely inclusive of a diversity of gender identities and sexual orientations
  • Answers to the most common questions about orgasm

You can read more about the program via the link below.

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