

The Office of SRL Special Day Reflection

Contact: Ineda Pearl Adesanya

The Office of Spiritual and Religious Life acknowledges Ash Wednesday.

Greetings WU,

Today, also known as Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning of the Lenten Season (Lent). Christians all over the world will observe 40 days (not including Sundays) before Holy Thursday (aka. Maundy Thursday) to mimic the life of Jesus on earth. To say that one is a Christians indicates one’s intent to strive to be like Christ. As followers of Jesus, Christians spend these days trying to do what Jesus would do—seeking to bring themselves in closer alignment with the way of the Christ. Many Christians sacrifice (give up) something of importance to acknowledge and honor Jesus’ great sacrifice. For those honoring this tradition, how will you honor and mimic the life of Jesus, and what will you sacrifice in this season of Lent? An unknown author shared 40 great suggestions for things to give up. Here are five of them for inspiration on your journey.

1. Fear of Failure – You don’t succeed without experiencing failure. Just make sure you fail forward.

2. Your Comfort Zone – It’s outside our comfort zones where new discoveries are made.

3. Feelings of Unworthiness – You are fearfully and wonderfully made by your creator.

4. Impatience – God’s timing is the perfect timing.

5. Retirement – As long as you are still breathing, you are here for a reason. You have a purpose to influence others for Christ. Our work is not always tied to a paycheck.

Please be reminded that it is my hope to collect 40 Lenten Reflections from various WU community members to share each day with our Willamette community. I am looking for short reflections that can be inspiring, encouraging, or thought-provoking reflections pertaining to ethical, spiritual, or religious life. You do not have to be religiously or spiritually affiliated to submit. With an eye for fit and flow, I will review and place each submission. If you are interested in contributing, please upload a short reflection using the below link.

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