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Your one-stop shop for campus updates, news, announcements and events.

Today@Willamette is our campus community’s daily source for Willamette University announcements and events. The newsletter is emailed to the community daily during the academic year.

Today@ editors may edit your proposed headline and submission for length, style and clarity or reach out to ask for small revisions to your content (i.e. accessibility improvements, additional context for photos, etc.)

Editorial Guidelines

Because Today@ reaches a broad audience and represents the university as a whole, we do our best to be consistent in how we put each issue together. All submissions (including headlines) will be edited for clarity and brevity. Today@ follows the AP Stylebook and the University Style Guide.

The newsletter does not include announcements for personal, political or monetary gain, non-Willamette University related announcements or isolated department announcements (e.g., a department picnic or gathering.)

To keep Today@ a short, new read each morning — and to lessen repetition — we will not run the same submission more than twice or repeat items in consecutive issues. For recurring events that take place within a month, we suggest submitting the dates and information as one announcement in advance.

All upcoming events should be posted to the event calendar. An event may be posted as a Save the Date (no more than twice prior to the event) if advanced registration is needed to attend it. 

University Communications has the right to deny submissions that do not align with the communication goals established for Today@.

Submission Guidelines

Adding your announcements or events is easy — submit news,  or a Save the Date.

Submissions are curated by University Communications and once published, can be viewed by the public.

Regular publishing schedule

News and announcements and Save the Dates run Monday through Friday. All submissions must be received by noon on Friday to appear in the following week’s edition(s). For example, if you want to run an announcement on Tuesday, Sept. 19, you must submit it by noon on Friday, Sept. 15. Changes after the deadline are not guaranteed. 

Summer schedule

Today@Willamette is published weekly on Wednesdays during the summer months (May 20–Aug. 26, 2024). The summer submission deadline is Monday at 11:59 p.m.

Weekend Editions

On the weekends, Today@Willamette only features events.

Sections populated by your submissions


  • News and Announcements. This section is intended to inform or update the larger Willamette community. Only one announcement is allowed per week. Examples of news and announcements include:
    • Good news, accomplishments, publications, honors and updates from campus leaders, departments and student organizations.
    • Clothing, food and environmental drives.
    • News on employee transitions, including information regarding interim plans or farewell or retirement gatherings.
  • Save the Date. Plan ahead! Promote events in advance to give others a chance to anticipate it. Save the Dates submitted for the day before — or day of — an event will be deleted, since the event will already be listed in the "Things to Do" section of Today@.
  • Events and exhibitions. What’s happening in the next 48 hours on campus? Events that have been submitted to the will be featured here. Use these best practices and instructions when using the calendar.

Questions, resources and feedback


Please, consider these frequently asked questions before contacting the Today editor.

Direct questions to the editors of Today, at wu-today@willamette.edu.

Calendar questions

If you have questions about the events calendar, visit this page. If the online documentation doesn’t answer your questions, contact web developers Tonya Wheeler or Chris Kim.


For announcements regarding items for a very specific audience, please use rather than Today. Moderated by the Alumni Office, this Craigslist-like forum allows students, employees, parents, alumni and friends of the university to “ask for what you need” and “offer what you have.” If you’re selling items, looking to network with alumni about jobs, seeking roommates and the like, try Switchboard.


Please contact us at wu-today@willamette.edu with your questions and feedback.

Thank you for using the bulletin.

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