

Undergraduates share their research achievements

by Marketing & Communications,

  • Student stands at a computer making presentation
  • Class room of students in conversation
  • Student holding skateboard performs a monologue
  • Student speaks and stands before a poster of research
  • Student sitting in a desk in a classroom speaks
  • Student sitting in a desk speaks
  • Classroom full of people listens to a student at a podium
  • Student speaks from a podium
  • Student speaks from podium before a screen of data
  • Student points at a photo of research on a poster while two other listen
  • Student speaks about poster to small group gathered around
  • Student points at research on a poster while speaking to another
  • Student facing a poster extends arms in a C while making a point
  • Student speaks before a poster of research

On April 24, Willamette celebrated the intellectual, creative and academic pursuits of about 300 students at the 19th annual Student Scholarship Recognition Day. Sixty-nine students alone represented the chemistry department. 

Across campus, students presented posters, gave musical or theatrical presentations and displayed their art. Works were supported by the Shuchat Arts Fellowship, the Presidential Scholarship, the College Colloquium Research Grant and several others.

Scroll through the photographic highlights above. 

Willamette University

University Communications

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