

Meet ASWU鈥檚 incoming executive officers

by Associated Students of Willamette University,

New president, vice president and treasurer will be sworn in during the last ASWU Senate meeting of the semester May 2.

President: Amarit Ubhi

Amarit Ubhi

Name: My first name is pronounced Um-rith.

Major: I am a politics major with a philosophy minor.

Fun Fact: I watched every Marvel film in the span of two months during my spring semester last year. That was about three films every weekend.

What have you been involved in at Willamette? Aside from my involvement in ASWU, I’ve worked for The Collegian, and I have been involved in some smaller clubs and organizations.

What are your goals as president? As of right now, my goals are to broaden the sense of community for all CLA faculty governance and students, while holding a strong commitment to equity and inclusivity of diverse voices. I seek to be a representative of the entire student body, so I plan to spend time listening to different groups across campus. I have several projects in mind, so please stay tuned.

What is the best way for people to contact you? The best way to contact me is through email <akubhi> or during my office hours next year.

Vice President: Tatiana Amrein

Tatiana Amrein

Major: Politics, policy, law and ethics

Fun Fact: I spend most of my free time in The Bistro sipping on a drip coffee in a reusable mug. If I have nothing to work on, which is unusual, I enjoy knitting and listening to podcasts on one of the couches or the small table that is under The Bistro sign.

What have you been involved in at Willamette? During my first year, I volunteered at my elementary school through Tiger Club. Since then, I have spent the last two years working with The Collegian as a layout editor where I have done layout for the lifestyles and opinions sections.

What are your goals as vice president? I want to make Senate a more equitable and inclusive space. I want to foster an environment in which senators and students at large can feel comfortable speaking. To be honest, Senate does not usually have student visitors, and I want to make sure that students voices are heard, especially to the senators that represent them.

What is the best way for people to contact you? The best way to contact me is to email me. <tdamrein> Please feel free to do so if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or if you just want to chat.

Treasurer: Carlo Rivas

Carlo Rivas

Major: Politics

Fun Fact: I love to camp and rock climb.

What have you been involved in at Willamette? I have been involved with RHA, debate, and Model United Nations.

What are your goals as treasurer? My main goal is to increase budget transparency with students, so that all can get a clearer look at where student organizations receive their funding.

What is the best way for people to contact you? People can best contact me at my email address <cdrivas>.

Willamette University

University Communications

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