

Theatre revises spring programming

by Ruth Feingold,

The department offers alternative programming for spring and announces 2019–20 season.


Dear Willamette community,

You may have heard about the recent cancellation of the two remaining theatre productions for spring semester due to an internal conflict. The Theatre Department is disappointed not to be able to produce the remainder of the season.

Understandably, there continues to be a lot of talk among students about the events of the last several weeks. Unfortunately, that conversation has to remain one-sided, as the university cannot engage in the kind of public dialogue that might, under different circumstances, clear the air. Federal laws that protect student privacy (specifically, FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) preclude university staff and faculty from discussing this matter.

Please know we care deeply about the safety and well-being of every student. We take our commitment to the highest-quality educational experiences very seriously.

To that end, the Theatre Department has developed exciting alternative programming for spring semester for theatre students interested in continuing to expand their knowledge and experiences.

Like the play productions, these programs also offer students hands-on learning for academic credit, depending on their level of participation (the same credit structure as a play production).

Students in “Art in Action” charrettes will work together with faculty in small groups focused on a particular societal issue or theme, developing artistic and creative forms of expression that reveal, connect and educate, advancing a vision of a more equitable world. Guests and representatives from the greater theater community will present master-style classes supporting diverse methodologies in creating community-based projects. All collaborative projects will be presented at the end of the semester in a public forum.

The department will also expand its showcases and public performances:

  • Studio II Shakespeare scenes
  • Directing projects
  • Commedia dell’arte scenes
  • Stage combat
  • Design portfolios for students in costume, sound and scenic design
  • Aerial dance

We are also pleased to announce Willamette University Theatre’s 2019–20 Season and invite you to subscribe to the departmental newsletter for the latest updates.

Thank you,

Ruth Feingold
Dean of the College of Liberal Arts
Professor of English

Willamette University

University Communications

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900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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