

Willamette introduces a University Council this fall

by University Communications,

As part of the Joint Agreement on Shared Governance and Decision Making adopted by the undergraduate faculty in early summer, Willamette will introduce a University Council this fall.

"The University Council represents a meaningful and positive change at Willamette, embodying the spirit of the Joint Agreement which calls for more robustly deliberative, inclusive, and consultative decision-making processes,” said Seth Cotlar, professor of history and a faculty representative on the committee.

The University Council is designed to serve as an advisory body with broad representation – including students, faculty and staff from all schools. The group is charged with ensuring that faculty, staff and students play a meaningful role in guiding the strategic direction of the university.

The University Council also provides informed and representative advice and input to the president and senior administration regarding programs, policies and initiatives that affect the common interests of faculty, staff and students. It is also a forum where faculty and student leaders can introduce and discuss academic or student life initiatives that may have broader impact on the university community.

“This is a great opportunity to involve students voices in important university decisions,” said Liz Gill, ASWU president. “Though I am the official representative from the CLA student body, I will consult with and include my fellow students in the work of the University Council.”

The University Council is expected to become the central coordinating body for the various groups charged with shared governance of Willamette. Members of the council are expected to consult with and communicate back to the groups they represent about matters considered by the council.

“I look forward to consulting with this broad group of campus representatives as we work together on our shared goals as an institution and expand shared governance,” said President Steve Thorsett.

In addition to the membership list below, a number of administrators, faculty members and students will serve in an advisory role and may be invited to meetings based on agenda items and discussion topics.

The University Council will meet on the second Friday of each month from 2-4p.m., throughout the academic year. During the first meeting, the group will review the council’s charge and member roles. The meeting schedule for the 2016-17 academic year is as follows:

September 9, 2016
October 14, 2016
November 11, 2016
December 9, 2016

January 13, 2017
February 10, 2017
March 10, 2017
April 14, 2017

1. University Council Chair — President (Steve Thorsett)
2. University Council Vice Chair —Vice President, Enrollment and Communications (Michael Beseda)
3. University Council Staff — Director of the President’s Office (Colleen Kawahara

Administrators / Staff:
4. Sr. Vice President of Finance and Administration (Monica Rimai)
5. Sr. Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs (Carol Long)
6. Vice President, Advancement (Shelby Radcliffe)
7. Vice President, Campus Life (Ed Whipple)
8. Associate Vice President, Communications (Russ Yost)
9. Dean, Atkinson Graduate School of Management (Debra Ringold)
10. Dean, College of Law (Curtis Bridgeman)
11. Dean, College of Liberal Arts (Ruth Feingold)
12. General Counsel (Yvonne Tamayo)
13. Chair, Classified Council (Gabrielle James)

14. CLA – Academic Council Chair* (James Miley)
15. CLA – Faculty Council Chair* (Seth Cotlar)
16. CLA – Budget Advisory Committee Chair* (Laura Taylor)
17. College of Law faculty representative (Vince Chiapetta)
18. AGSM faculty representative (Mike Hand)

19. ASWU President (Liz Gill)
20. ASWU representative (TBD)
21. Law student (Katie Benage)
22. AGSM student (Trevor Bassett-Smith)

* Specific CLA faculty membership will be determined pending current CLA governance

Willamette University

University Communications

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