

Distinguished Artists Series features Sergei Babayan

by Adam Torgerson,

Acclaimed pianist to perform at Willamette on March 31

  • Sergei Babayan

On March 31 at 7:30 p.m. in Rogers Music Center, pianist Sergei Babayan will perform as part of Willamette University’s Grace Goudy Distinguished Artists Series.

“From Bach to Chopin and from Liszt to Schnabel, the tradition of extraordinary keyboard artists who also shared their creative genius with generations of students is rich,” says series director Jean-David Coen. “Pianist Sergei Babayan is among the most acclaimed, and we’re thrilled to bring him to campus.”

On April 1 at 11 a.m. in Rogers Music Center, the public is welcome to attend Babayan’s free, two-hour master class for Willamette students.

About Babayan

Last summer’s performance of the soaring Prokofiev “Piano Concerto No. 2” earned high praise from the Independent’s Michael Church, who wrote, “Babayan exuded the gravity of a monumental sculpture in bronze as he teased out the beauties of this more ruminative work.” French paper Le Figaro praised Babayan’s “unequaled touch, perfectly harmonious phrasing and breathtaking virtuosity.”

Babayan is a Juilliard faculty member and artist in residence at the Cleveland Institute of Music. Before winning several international competitions and becoming an acclaimed teacher, Babayan graduated from the Moscow Conservatory. His work reflects his studies with prominent artists such as Georgy Sarajev, Vera Gornostayeva, Lev Naumov, Mikhail Pletnev and Helmuth Rilling.


General admission tickets are $23 with discounts for children, students, Willamette faculty and its staff. Oregon Trail Card holders can buy $5 tickets at the door. For more information or to purchase tickets for Babayan’s March 31 performance, visit the Goudy Artists Series.


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