

MLK celebration to feature Leonard Pitts Jr.

by University Communications,

  • Leonard Pitts Jr.

Reschedule update: This event will be held Friday, February 5 at 7pm in Willamette's Rogers Music Center.

Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Leonard Pitts Jr. will present “In a Single Garment of Destiny” as part of Willamette University’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. celebration. For free admission to the talk, register at willamette.edu/go/mlk or call 503-370-6463.

Pitts has worked as a college professor, radio producer, syndicated columnist and lecturer. Focused on issues ranging from race to culture, he won the in 2004.

The title of Pitts’ speech refers to a passage from King’s “Letter From Birmingham Jail,” which defends the strategy of nonviolent resistance to racism.

Willamette’s Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration 2016 spans two weeks and includes discussions about race, power, equity and justice. To allow students, faculty and staff to participate in “” – a day of service in the Salem community – university offices will close and classes are canceled for the afternoon of Jan. 22.

For more information and a schedule of events, visit willamette.edu/go/mlk, or call the university’s Office of Multicultural Affairs at 503-370-6265.

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