

ACSM Northwest 2015 Annual Meeting, Bend, OR

by Marketing & Communications,

A conference designed to review scientific principles related to human physiologic and physical systems and to apply these principles to specific functional and/or pathologic conditions.

Poster Presentations:

EXSCI students Maggie Ruwitch ('15), Kyle Davey ('14), and Cuyler Hudson ('14) have been presented their research at the regional conference, April 17th - 19th.

  • Maggie's project, titled "Development of a Rapid Stepping Test That Challenges Medial-Lateral Control in Older Adults", stemmed from her work with Prof. Brandi Row.
  • Kyle's project, titled "High Intensity Interval Exercise (HIIE) and Endurance Exercise (EE): Which for Weight Loss? A Comparison of EPOC", is based on his Senior Seminar research project, supervised by Prof. Michael Lockard.
  • Cuyler's project, titled "Acute Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Power Output in Football Linemen", is based on research initiated as a class project, supervised by Prof. Michael Lockard.

Knowledge Bowl:

Congratulations to WU's 2014 Knowledge Bowl Teams! Maggie Ruwitch ('15), Kelley Van Hook (14), Allison Boltwood ('14), Nicole Leonard ('15), Krista Leonard ('15), and Kathleen Denny ('14) represented Willamette, falling short in the final round.

ACSM Northwest 2015 Annual Meeting, Bend, OR
ACSM Northwest 2015 Annual Meeting, Bend, OR
Willamette University

University Communications

Waller Hall, Fourth Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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