

International Study Trip: Japan

Date: March 21-28, 2015

Program Fee: $3,305 with 12 participants

Course Description and Rationale

This is a one-credit course that includes an international study trip to Japan in March 2015. The trip includes visits to numerous companies and other organizations in and around Tokyo. In this course we study fundamentals of international business, (ii) the environments and challenges of emerging markets, (iii) strategies and operations for succeeding in emerging markets, and (iv) specific aspects of business in Japan.

Japan is home to 130 million people, in an area the size of California. Following World War II, the country emerged as an important world power in economic and geopolitical terms. Japan is the world’s third largest economy. Per-capita income of $38,000 implies enormous buying power. However, the country’s economy has been relatively stagnant for some years, with high government debt. Despite the recent growth of China and India, Japan remains a major force in world commerce. Japan has a huge industrial capacity, and is home to some of the largest and most technologically advanced producers of motor vehicles, electronics, machine tools, ships, chemicals, and processed foods. The country's retail market is huge. Japan is also an important destination for R&D and manufacturing in numerous industries.

Japan’s civilization dates back some 12,000 years. The country is widely known for its traditional arts as well as its contemporary pop culture. It is still possible to see kimono-clad women shuffling down the street with umbrellas overhead, alongside countless ‘salarymen’, white-collar workers in their Western suits. A sophisticated cuisine, unique social customs, and refined visual arts contribute to a culture attractive, and sometimes fashionable, to people around the world.

We will stay in Tokyo, one of the planet’s great cities, and the world's most populous metropolitan area, with more than 30 million people. The Tokyo region is home to most of Japan's largest companies, many of which compete directly with US firms. Tokyo is also the nation’s center of government. We will travel by bus and via Tokyo’s excellent subway and suburban train system.

Willamette University

Atkinson Graduate School of Management

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

Portland Center

721 NW 9th Ave
Portland Oregon 97209 U.S.A.

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