

The Accelerated program enables qualified students to complete the Willamette University MBA in 9 to 15 months of full-time study. The Accelerated MBA is a highly customized program. Specific curricular requirements for the Accelerated MBA will vary for each applicant based on an evaluation of the undergraduate or graduate level management courses previously completed and the grades received in those courses. Each Accelerated student has a different set of curricular graduation requirements and should use their official letter of admission as their guide.

Accelerated Graduation Requirements
Each MBA degree seeking student is responsible for a thorough knowledge of graduation requirements. The Willamette MBA for Business, Government and Not-for-Profit Management will be conferred on Accelerated MBA students who satisfactorily complete all of the following requirements listed below within the policies and regulations of the Atkinson School:

Minimum Credits Required: Accelerated MBA students must satisfactorily complete a minimum of thirty (30) approved graded credits of Willamette MBA course work and have no pending grades or grades of "Incomplete." The exact number of required credits is based on the individual evaluation of the candidate's transcript at admission and is stipulated in their letter of admission.

Required courses: Accelerated students must complete the capstone course GSM 6123 Strategic Management and all required first and second-year Willamette MBA courses that were not waived based on their previous course work and academic performance.

Required Experiential Elective: A minimum of three (3) credits from Experiential Elective courses is required for graduation. Experiential Elective courses are special elective courses that include a meaningful interaction with organizations or environments, input from the organizations or environments that affects the completion of a deliverable for the class, and an opportunity for students to formally reflect on the factors which led to the success or failure of the experiential activity. Experiential Elective courses are designated by the faculty and are identified on the schedule of classes. Students can take more than one Experiential Elective if they choose.

Elective Courses: A minimum of twenty-four (24) credits of Willamette MBA graded elective course work (in addition to the three credits of Experiential Elective coursework) are required for graduation.

IKEWs: MBA students must satisfactorily complete the IKEW requirement of the MBA program.

Willamette MBA Management Writing Program: MBA students must satisfactorily complete the IKEW requirement of the MBA program.

Good Standing: MBA candidates for graduation must have a cumulative Atkinson School grade point average of 3.00 (B) or higher, comply with requirements determined by the School's faculty, and be in Good Standing within all policies of the Atkinson School and Willamette University.

GSM 6000-6099 credit limit: A maximum of six (6) credits of elective courses numbered GSM 6000-6099 may be applied toward the 60 credit MBA graduation requirement.

International Exchange: Accelerated MBA students who are selected and choose to participate in a Willamette MBA international exchange program must complete a minimum of 27 credits of Atkinson School elective course work in residence at the Atkinson School in addition to the 15 credits of international exchange.

Maximum time to complete degree: The candidate must complete the MBA degree within six (6) years from date of initial enrollment in the degree program.

Submit petition for degree: Candidates for graduation must submit a "petition for degree" at the beginning of their final semester in the MBA program.

Curricular changes: In the event the curriculum is changed or graduation requirements are otherwise altered, the rules in effect at the time of the student's entry to the program will apply unless otherwise stated.

Academic Regulations

Good Standing
All students must maintain 'Good Standing' for continued enrollment and graduation. "Good Standing" is defined as adhering to the academic policies, standards of conduct and financial policies of the Atkinson School and Willamette University.

Good Academic Standing
All students must maintain a cumulative Atkinson School grade point average of 3.00 (B) or better and make satisfactory progress toward degree completion to be in "Good Academic Standing."

Full-time and Part-time Enrollment Status
MBA students who are enrolled in nine or more credits of graduate level course work in a given semester are considered full-time students. MBA students enrolled in one to eight credits of graduate level course work in any semester are considered part-time students. All academic and conduct regulations of Willamette University and the Atkinson School govern full-time and part-time students.

It is the responsibility of the instructor to assign grades. The Atkinson School uses a letter grade system consisting of seven regular grades. Their grade point values are:

A = 4.00
A- = 3.70
B+ = 3.30
B = 3.00
B- = 2.70
C = 2.00
F = 0.00

Other grades in the Atkinson School MBA grading system are listed below. Each grade shown below has specific requirements and implications.

= Incomplete
= No Pass for a Pass/No Pass course
= Pass for a Pass/Fail or Pass/No Pass course
= Grade pending continuation of a full-year course
= Credit
= Withdrawal from course

Regulations Regarding "I" Grades
A grade of Incomplete (I) may be assigned at the discretion of the course instructor when an unexpected emergency, event, or situation precludes a student from completing the course as planned. To receive an incomplete grade, all coursework must be complete except for a final assignment or exam. If more than a final assignment or exam is required to complete the course, it is necessary to withdraw from the course.

A student requesting a grade of “Incomplete” must enter into an agreement with the faculty member to document remaining requirements and establish the timeline for completion. A copy of the agreement signed by the student and the faculty member is provided to the Atkinson School Recorder, Karen Arthur, at the time the “Incomplete” grade for said student is submitted by the faculty member.

 “I” grades must be cleared from the transcript by completing the required coursework within the timeline contained in the agreement — which shall be no later than the end of the next regular academic semester. (Fall or spring semester.) Failure to clear an "I" by the mutually agreed-upon date contained in the agreement will result in the "I" becoming a grade of "F.”

It is the student's responsibility to complete the requirements stipulated in the agreement and take the initiative to stay in contact with the faculty member of the course for which the "I" grade was received.

If a student formally withdraws from school before the end of the next regular academic semester, the "I" grade will not be converted to an “F,” however, the student must complete the course by the end of the first semester in which they return to the Atkinson School.

Regulations Regarding "F" Grades
"F" grades are calculated in the grade point average and result in zero credits earned toward graduation.

A student who receives an "F" in a required course must repeat the course and earn a grade of "C" or higher in the repeated course. A student who receives an "F" grade in an elective course may repeat the course.

When a course is repeated, both the "F" grade and the grade received in the repeated course appear on the transcript, and both grades are calculated in the grade point average.

"F" grades have very serious consequences. A student anticipating an "F" in a course is advised to withdraw from the course prior to the last scheduled class meeting of the course.

Grade Changes
Changes in grades already recorded on a transcript are determined by the faculty member and permitted only under the following conditions:

  • Error by the instructor in computing or reporting a grade
  • Completion of work in a course for which the grade of "I" has been recorded
  • Administrative error in the reporting or recording of a grade.

Grade Appeal

The Atkinson School recognizes two different situations which can initiate a grade appeal, and prescribes a different process for each.

If a student believes a grade was issued in violation of the University's Discriminatory Misconduct Policy (http://willamette.edu/offices/hr/policies/policy_harassment/index.html), the student should immediately notify the Dean or Human Resources and the appropriate procedures will be followed.

If a student does not believe a grade was issued in violation of the University's Discriminatory Misconduct Policy, but feels the grade represents a prejudiced, arbitrary, or capricious academic evaluation, the Atkinson School has a four stage grade appeal process. The stages must be completed in order:

  1. The student communicates directly with the professor. Most grade issues can be quickly resolved by respectful discussion at this level. If the issue is not resolved between the student and professor, the next step for the student is to begin the written grade appeal process.

  2. The student prepares a written appeal. The appeal must provide clear documentation showing the grade represents a prejudiced, arbitrary, or capricious academic evaluation. A prejudiced, arbitrary, or capricious academic evaluation means the assignment of a grade on some basis other than a student's performance in the course. No other criteria for grade appeal will be considered. The student must submit two (2) copies of their appeal in writing to an Associate Dean/Director of Admission (the arbitrator). The arbitrator shall then decide whether the written appeal meets the standard of “a prejudiced, arbitrary or capricious academic evaluation.” If the arbitrator believes that it does not meet this standard the student may appeal the decision to the Dean of the Atkinson school. The Dean’s decision at this stage will be final and binding.

Written grade appeals must reach the arbitrator within forty-five (45) days of the posting of grades by the registrar, otherwise the grade will stand as posted and no further appeal will be available.

  1. Once the appeal has been approved by the arbitrator or the Dean, the written appeal will then be distributed as follows: one (1) copy to the Student Affairs Committee (SAC) Chair and one (1) copy to the instructor involved. If the faculty member involved with the grade appeal is the chairperson of the SAC, the arbitrator shall distribute the appeal to the previous chairperson. It is the arbitrator's responsibility to notify both the SAC Chairperson and the instructor in question about the appeal.

Upon receipt of the written appeal, the SAC Chairperson will make a written request for the involved instructor's position, also to be submitted in writing. The SAC Executive Committee will then meet to review and discuss the appeal including but not limited to interviewing the parties involved in the appeal. If a conflict of interest arises within the SAC Executive Committee, the SAC Chairperson will replace the said compromised individual with an ad-hoc member of similar standing.

The process of appeal will occur during the regular academic semester (fall or spring) following the initial filing of the appeal. The decision of the SAC shall be rendered in writing and distributed to the student and to the instructor in question.

  1. If either party is dissatisfied with the Committee's decision, they may make a written appeal to the Dean, whose decision is final and binding.

Transfer Credits
Accelerated MBA students are not eligible to apply transfer credits from other institutions to the Willamette MBA program unless those credits are over and above the minimum course requirements stipulated above. Grades earned in courses transferred to the MBA program are not used in calculating the student's grade point average. Students should also be aware that quarter credits and semester credits are not equal; six semester credits are equal to nine quarter credits.

Students requesting evaluation of transfer credits earned prior to enrollment at the Atkinson School must submit a written request to the Associate Dean/Director of Admission. The written request must include a copy of the course syllabus. If approved, credits may be applied toward elective credits or toward completion of selected core courses.

Graduate Course Work Completed at Willamette University College of Law during Enrollment at the Atkinson School: Accelerated MBA candidates who are not candidates for the MBA/JD joint degree may be eligible to receive up to six (6) elective credits for courses completed at the Willamette University College of Law. Interested students should contact the Associate Dean/Director of Admission to appeal for permission to transfer course work from the Willamette University College of Law.

MBA students who take courses at the College of Law will be graded on a Honors/Credit/No Credit basis and not within the the typical curve of the JD program. If you have questions about the grading policy, please contact the Law School's Office of Student Affairs.

Transfer of credits from the W.U. College of Law to the MBA program is governed by all of the following regulations:

  • Up to six (6) semester credits of elective course work required for the MBA degree may be transferred from the Willamette University College of Law for College of Law course work completed with a grade of "Honors," "C", "Credit," or better
  • Willamette College of Law courses completed with grades below "C" or grades of "No Credit" are not eligible for transfer to the MBA program
  • Grades earned in law courses will not be used in calculating the MBA grade point average
  • Students on academic probation (with a cumulative GPA less than 3.00) are not eligible for transfer credits from the College of Law.

MBA students registering for a law course must register at the College of Law. College of Law students are given priority for enrollment in Law courses. College of Law credits will be recorded on the Atkinson School transcript. Students should inform Atkinson Recorder of their enrollment in a law course.

Students enrolling in elective course work at the College of Law should be aware of the attendance policy governing all College of Law courses that requires minimum attendance at 75% of regularly scheduled class hours. A student who does not satisfy this minimum, regardless of reason, at any point during the semester, will be dismissed from the College of Law course. Dismissal will be noted on the student’s College of Law transcript. College of Law instructors may also impose a stricter attendance policy and additional sanctions for non-attendance, if students are informed at the start of the course of the instructor’s attendance rules.

Request for Exception to Academic Policy or Procedure

Willamette University

Early Career and Career Change MBA

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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