

The page shows a typical MBA curricular path for BA/MBA students who begin the MBA program needing zero CAS courses.

1st Year - Fall Semester - 15 MBA credits

  • Data Analysis, Modeling & Decision Making
  • Managing Individuals, Teams and Organizations
  • Accounting for Managers
  • PACE I: Practical Application for Careers and Enterprises
  • Economics and Finance I

1st Year - Spring Semester - 16 MBA credits

  • Marketing: Creating Satisfied Consumers
  • PACE II: Practical Application for Careers and Enterprises
  • Finance and Economics II
  • Operations and Systems Management
  • MBA Elective

Summer Between 1st and 2nd Year - 3 MBA credits

  • Internships for Management

2nd Year - Fall Semester - 15 MBA credits

  • Politics and Public Policy for Managers
  • MBA Elective
  • MBA Elective
  • MBA Elective

2nd Year - Spring Semester - 11 to 15 MBA credits

  • Strategic Management
  • MBA Elective
  • MBA Elective
  • MBA Elective
Willamette University

Early Career and Career Change MBA

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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