

All law students are members of the Student Bar Association (SBA), which is organized under a student-adopted constitution. The organization is affiliated with the Law Student Division of the American Bar Association (ABA), and in addition, students are eligible for individual membership in the Law Student Division. The Executive Committee has jurisdiction and control over all matters and affairs concerning the interests of the Willamette Student Bar Association. The SBA Constitution and Bylaws link above outlines the duties of the respective officers and provides details on how to petition the Executive Committee for funding and recognition.

The officers of the SBA Executive committee include a President, a First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Ombudsperson, an ABA Liaison, and a Joint Degree Liaison. Additionally, all three Class Presidents attend and vote at Executive Committee meetings. The President of the Student Bar Association attends all regularly scheduled faculty meetings and participates fully except where accreditation standards or University Bylaws require exclusion.

Nominations for the SBA Executive Committee Elections are made prior to 5PM on the fourth Tuesday of Spring Semester of each year. SBA Executive Committee Members are elected by the entire student body, and represent the interests of the entire student body. Details are laid forth in the Constitution and Bylaws on pages 3-5. Nominations for Class Officers are made prior to 5PM on the fourth Tuesday of Fall Semester of each year. Class Officers are elected by the members of their respective classes, and represent the interests of their respective classes. Details are laid forth in the Student Handbook on pages 5-9.

SBA Executive Committee weekly meetings are determined each semester so as to accommodate all Executive Committee Member class schedules. All Committee members are required to attend unless prior notice is given to the committee. All law students are free to attend.

All members of the SBA Executive Committee and all Class Officers can be reached via email at student-bar-association@willamette.edu.

SBA Constitution and Bylaws 2023

Willamette University

Student Bar Association

Willamette University College of Law
245 Winter Street SE
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
(503) 370-6380

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