

The Willamette Journal of Social Justice and Equity is a student-run publication that serves as an interdisciplinary academic forum for scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and students to contribute to society's understanding of legal and policy issues concerning social justice and equity. We aim to become a major outlet for leading scholars and practitioners to improve race and gender relations, foster new research in and across the disciplines, and provide the intellectual foundation for the pursuit of social justice. The journal is the first of its kind in the state of Oregon and was originally organized in 2016 out of the initiative and dedication of students wishing to encourage an increased dialogue on these issues throughout Oregon and the greater legal community. Members of the journal's board participate in intensive research and analytical and writing opportunities.

Second Annual Social Justice and Equity Law Symposium

Thursday, April 4, 2019  
Room 217 - Law School

The Social Justice Talks​ event celebrates the Willamette’s Social Justice and Equity Law Journal. The journal is the first of its kind in Oregon and seeks to become an outlet for increased discussion on issues such as race, class, gender, and sexuality in the Oregon legal community and beyond.

Presentations (Free CLE Credit Pending):

  • Corrine Cole-Detainment: "How the Governments of the United States and Australia Choose to Secure Borders through Inhumane Means" This article is about the parallels of Australia and United States boarder control.  In their presentation they will convey updates to the current board crisis in this country.  
  • Adin Johnson- "The DREAM Act: Its Past and Future, Opposition, and the Media" Will discuss some of the significant legislative attempts to pass comprehensive immigration reform between the year 2000 and 2014. Specifically, I'll talk about: S.2205 Dream Act of 2007, S.744 Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act; and H.R. 5281 the Removal Clarification Act. 
  • Ernie Mejia- "El Peligro de Ser Igual: The Danger of Being the 'Same'".  Discusses the reality of what Latino segregation was, through the landmark case of Mendez v. Westminster, the first successful Latino desegregation case in California.  He will share his deeply personal story as it demonstrates the characteristics of what it means to be different, or from the non-dominate culture.
  • A panel of professionals to discuss: What is our duty as lawyers to advance issues of social inequity.  This will be proctored by Dale and the panel members will be given questions ahead of time within this theme.

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