

Interlibrary Loan

  1. What is interlibrary loan?
  2. Who may request interlibrary loan?
  3. How do I initiate a request?
  4. What materials may be borrowed?
  5. What restrictions apply?
  6. How much time is involved?
  7. How much does it cost?
  8. What information is needed?
  9. How will I be notified?
  10. What are the loan periods?
  11. Where do I return materials?
  12. Questions or Concerns?

1. What is interlibrary loan?

Interlibrary Loan is a formal agreement among libraries to share materials with, or provide copies to, other libraries. If you cannot locate the research materials you need in the or , you may initiate an interlibrary loan request.

2. Who may request interlibrary loan?

Interlibrary loan service is available to Willamette University students, faculty and staff.

3. How do I initiate a request?

If the book or video you need is not available through Willamette, you may request it by first trying . If you cannot find the book or video on Summit, you should then request the title using the . If you are looking for an article, some databases allow you to request within the database. If that is not available, you can request the article using the .

4. What materials may be borrowed?

Circulating books and copies of journal and newspaper articles are easily obtained from most participating libraries. However, reference materials, dissertations, high-use materials, rare books, loose-leaf materials, multi-volume sets, and all forms of audiovisual media are sometimes difficult to obtain or unavailable.

If a book/treatise in our library's collection is checked out, try to request the item via . If the item is not available through Summit, ask at the Circulation Desk to have the book recalled.

5. What restrictions apply?

The J. W. Long Law Library is bound by restrictions imposed by lenders. On occasion, libraries require that the materials they lend be used in the library or that materials not be copied.

Fulfillment of requests is subject to the availability of materials and to the policies and fees of lending libraries.

6. How much time is involved?

Most articles are delivered within three working days and most books are delivered within 10 working days. However, delivery can take significantly longer, depending upon the availability of the materials and the response-time of other libraries.

Under special circumstances, items can be obtained more quickly. If you have an urgent or unforeseen need, visit the Circulation Desk to see what accommodations can be made.

7. How much does it cost?

Most materials we borrow are from libraries with which we have reciprocal no-charge agreements. Occasionally, materials are located only at institutions that charge to process Interlibrary Loan requests. The library will absorb this cost unless you are notified to the contrary.

8. What information is needed?

To assist lending libraries to quickly locate the documents you seek, please include the following bibliographic information:

For Books:

  • Title
  • Author's full name
  • Place and date of publication, if known
  • Edition, series, and volume number, if known

For Articles in Journals:

  • Title of journal
  • Author's name and article title
  • Volume number, year, and page numbers
  • Source of reference (the database or print resource in which you found the information)

Additional bibliographical information can be put in the "comments" field of request forms. Incomplete citations can be verified with the assistance of a reference librarian.

9. How will I be notified?

You will be contacted by e-mail when the item you requested arrives. Books are held at the Circulation Desk. Copies of articles can be delivered directly to your campus mail box or you will be contacted by e-mail with instructions on how to access your documents over the web.

10. What are the loan periods?

Loan periods are set by the lending library and usually range from two to four weeks. Materials kept past the due date jeopardize our borrowing privileges with other libraries, so it is imperative that you honor due dates.

Many libraries allow one renewal; please address your renewal requests to law-ill@willamette.edu at least three days prior to the due date.

11. Where do I return materials?

Please return all borrowed materials to the Circulation Desk at the J. W. Long Law Library. You may keep copies of journal articles unless otherwise noted.

12. Questions or Concerns?

Questions or concerns about Interlibrary Loan policies or the status of your requests should be addressed to ILL at (503) 375-5300, or by email:law-ill@willamette.edu.

Willamette University

J.W. Long Law Library

Willamette College of Law
245 Winter Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
(503) 375-5300 Circulation
(503) 375-5330 Reference
(503) 370-6579 Student Fax

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