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Faculty Services

The J.W. Long Law Library Reference Team offers a wide range of services to Law Faculty. Reference librarians are available to assist you with your research, including locating materials, surveying the literature, developing research guides and performing online searches. Librarians are also available to provide classroom instruction on legal research sources and techniques.

    The Basics:

    Deans’ Research Assistants are students hired, trained, and supervised by the library to support scholarly research by the Deans and other faculty. DRAs are available for small, short-term research upon request. DRAs are not individual RAs and are not substitutes for hiring your own RAs if you have on going research projects.

    "Small" and "Short-Term":

    Though it is expected that projects will be around 8hrs max and will be completed in under 1month, the timeline for completion will depend on the nature and complexity of the project and DRA student availability. No projects will be assigned to DRAs during the last week of a term or the final exam period.The availability of DRAs during intersessions and summer will depend on availability.

    Requesting DRA Help:

    Email your request to Stephanie Davidson at sdavidson@willamette.edu. When making requests, please provide as much information as possible about the work you want a DRA to complete, including a description of the final product. Are you looking for a spreadsheet with statutory provisions, an annotated bibliography of sources, an email listing the articles found, or a memo?

    Examples of projects appropriate for DRAs:

    • Adding Perma.cc (archival) links
    • Bluebooking (or MLA or another style)
    • Compiling lists of primary or secondary sources on a topic, with notes
    • Creating 50-state lists of statutes on a topic

    Projects outside the scope of DRAs:

    • Research expected to take more than 8 hours to complete
    • Ongoing research for an article or book
    • Drafting essays or articles
    • Typing, scanning, copying

    Questions? Email Stephanie Davidson at sdavidson@willamette.edu.

    PDF description of the Deans' Research Assistance Programs.

Willamette University

J.W. Long Law Library

Willamette College of Law
245 Winter Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
(503) 375-5300 Circulation
(503) 375-5330 Reference
(503) 370-6579 Student Fax