

Visit the Official Commencement website for additional information.

  1. What date is Commencement?
  2. Do I need tickets for my family and friends?
  3. How do I order graduation announcements?
  4. Prohibited Items

1. What date is Commencement?

Visit the Official Commencement website for the most updated information.  Commencement is always held under a tent in the quad between Waller Hall and Smith Auditorium.  The Law School ceremony begins promptly at 11:30 a.m.  

2. Do I need tickets for my family and friends?

No you do not need tickets. There will be plenty of room under the tent at Commencement for all your family and friends.

3. How do I order graduation announcements?

Graduation announcements may be ordered through . The degree you will receive will be a Doctor of Jurisprudence.

4. Prohibited Items

Commencement is a special event for all involved. Please show respect for everyone who has come to share in the experience. Individuals who engage in inappropriate or disruptive behavior will be removed from the event.

The following items are prohibited:

  • Alcohol. Anyone intoxicated or perceived to be intoxicated will be removed from the event.
  • Fireworks
  • Weapons of any kind
  • Large banners, posters, signs or flags on poles
  • Artificial noisemakers
  • Bullhorns or other sound amplification devices
  • Tobacco, cannabis or other smoking products
  • Laser pointers or devices
  • Drones

Willamette University

Office of Student Affairs

College of Law
245 Winter Street SE
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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