

Posting Jobs and Interviewing Opportunities

Online Job Posting

The Willamette College of Law Office of Career Planning & Development works with each employer to individually tailor our services to your needs. You can and receive student or alumni materials directly. Willamette University adheres to a policy of non-discrimination. By using the services of our office, employers agree to adhere to this policy.

  • Posting Assistance: We can also support your recruiting efforts by posting the job for you, collecting and forwarding requested student materials and scheduling student interviews.
  • Interviewing: You can meet students on campus in our interviewing offices in Salem or in Portland at the Willamette University satellite campus, as well as your own offices and remotely.

On-Campus Interviews

Willamette has two formal interviewing periods in the fall and spring, but we welcome hiring opportunities at any time of the year. or to post a position to our students and/or graduates. 

Off-Campus Interviews 

If you are a public interest employer, sign-up for the  to find public service-minded students.

Whether you are interviewing on-campus, off-campus, or collecting resumes for remote or office interviews, contact us about your hiring needs: law-career@willamette.edu, (503) 370-6057.

Willamette University

Office of Career Planning and Development

Willamette University College of Law
245 Winter Street SE
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
(503) 370-6458

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