

Peace Corps Coverdell Fellows Program

Willamette University College of Law and the Peace Corps have partnered to form a new Paul D. Coverdell Fellows Program.

The Paul D. Coverdell Fellows Program provides graduate school scholarships to returned Peace Corps volunteers who complete a degree-related internship in an underserved American community while they pursue their studies. The program is specifically reserved for students who have already completed their Peace Corps service abroad.

Selected Coverdell Fellows will have the opportunity to work towards a Juris Doctor (JD), Master of Laws (LLM) in Dispute Resolution or Transnational Law, or Master of Legal Studies (MLS).

Each Coverdell Fellow admitted to the College of Law as either a full-time or part-time student will be awarded a Law School Peace Corps Fellows Scholarship of 25 percent of tuition per year. All fellows will be considered for additional merit-based scholarships.

Internships in underserved communities are an integral part of each fellow's degree. By sharing their Peace Corps experience and global perspective with the communities they serve here in the United States, returned volunteers are supporting the Peace Corps' Third Goal commitment to strengthen Americans' understanding of the world and its people. Professional placements at non-profits and government organizations also help students further develop their skills.

About the Program

The Paul D. Coverdell Fellows Program (formerly known as Fellows/USA) is a graduate fellowship program that offers financial assistance to returned Peace Corps volunteers. It began in 1985 at Teachers College, Columbia University and now includes more than 80 university partners in 31 states and the District of Columbia.

Returned Peace Corps volunteers who have satisfactorily completed their Peace Corps service have lifetime eligibility for the Coverdell Fellows Program. Volunteers may choose to participate immediately following their Peace Corps service, or any time thereafter. This means there are fellows of all ages and professional backgrounds.

How to Apply for the Coverdell Fellowship

  1. Submit a statement with your law school application indicating your interest in the Coverdell Fellowship
  2. Submit your Description of Service with your law school application
  3. If you are currently serving , please submit a letter of good standing from your Country Director, and upon completion of your service, please submit your Description of Service

Contact Us

For more information about the Coverdell Fellows Program, visit To learn about the program at Willamette University College of Law, contact Jessica Kliewer, Assistant Dean of Admissions, at (503) 370-6282.

Willamette University

College of Law

Office of Admissions
245 Winter Street SE
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
(503) 370-6282

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