

Tuesday, April 5

10:00 am-12:00 pm
"Pain to Purpose: Reclaiming Your Life from Chronic Pain Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).," David C. Brillhart [Michael Hubbard], Kaneko Auditorium
David BrillhartFor anyone suffering from chronic pain lasting greater than three months, you are intimately aware of the intersection between physical and emotional pain—Capital 'P' Pain. Chronic pain is typically treated from a medical model (e.g., medication, surgery, etc.), leaving the greater pain component—emotional pain—unaddressed. To effectively treat chronic pain, a mind-body behavioral approach is required to simultaneously target Capital ‘P’ Pain. Using the evidence-based treatment approach of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), individuals learn to recognize how their response to Capital ‘P’ Pain either leads to greater pain (through avoidance) or lessened pain (through acceptance). Dr. Brillhart’s ACT-approach to Chronic Pain is elegantly simple in execution, yet profoundly impactful in helping chronic pain sufferers transform their pain to purpose through values-guided living amid chronic pain. In short, consistent behavioral change strategies promote neuroplasticity; change your brain, change your pain.

David C. Brillhart, PsyD, is a licensed psychologist specializing in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT); he holds certifications in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Brainspotting (BSP) therapies. His success using ACT in conjunction with EMDR and BSP, has provided emotional and physical healing of chronic pain trauma, and anger, with a wide range of individuals, couples, and groups in diverse clinical settings. Dr. Brillhart has considerable forensic/correctional clinical experience using ACT with high-risk, special needs, and serious persistent mental illness offenders in maximum-security settings. His research in this area was presented at several national and international conferences; he is also internationally recognized for his expertise and workshop training on ACT. In 2017, Dr. Brillhart authored a book chapter on ACT in Individual Psychological Therapies in Forensic Settings (Davies & Naqgi, Eds., 2017). And in 2018, his full-day training, "Mad as Hell: Gaining Control Over Anger With Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT)" was filmed and is available for DVD-distribution through PESI. Working with difficult-to-treat forensic and correctional offenders, and non-forensic clients with chronic trauma, emotional, and physical pain, has afforded Dr. Brillhart the opportunity to hone his ACT, EMDR, and BSP therapeutic skills. Dr. Brillhart earned his MA and PhD in Clinical Psychology with Forensic Specialization from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

Thursday, April 7

10:00 am-12:00 pm
"Reading Between the Lines: Searching for Stories of Diversity and Inclusion in Salem's History and Archives," Kylie Pine [Judy Gram], Kaneko Auditorium
pine-kylie.jpgHistory museums and archives may focus on the past, but they are also becoming aware of their responsibility to tackle current event issues like racism, diversity, and inclusion within programming and collections. This isn't always easy. In this presentation, we'll look at some of the records in the Willamette Heritage Center's collections that are helping us formulate a better understanding of our rich, frustrating, and complex past. We'll also look at how we are learning to read between the lines of traditional sources to find the stories that are hard to tell and that have been overlooked in popular narratives about Salem's history.

Kylie Pine is the curator of the Willamette Heritage Center. She graduated with a B.A. in American Studies from Willamette University and holds an M.A. in Museum Studies from the University of Washington.

Tuesday, April 12

10:00 am-12:00 pm
"Performance by the Salem String Quartet" NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE; CONE CHAPEL," Salem String Quartet [Solveig Holmquist], Cone Chapel (NOTE: Change IN VENUE
Sting Quartet A uniquely satisfying blend of versatility, inspiration, energy, quality, and experience, delivered by four dedicated musicians from three continents. In 2019 the SSQ was named Ensemble in Residence by Camerata Musica, a group that promotes chamber music in Salem with free concerts at the library.

We will get a list of the spring repertoire for the SSQ in March.

Thursday, April 14

10:00 am-12:00 pm
"Oral Traditions in China: Folk and Fairy Tales," Juwen Zhang [Dru Johnson], Kaneko Auditorium
Zhang JuwenYou may have known that the earliest written record of the Cinderella story is from ninth-century China and that the popular Mulan films are based on the sixth-century text. While the long history of written literature plays an important role in Chinese culture, the continuity of oral traditions is often overlooked. This talk first discusses the role of oral tradition in maintaining Chinese cultural identity in history and in reconstructing Chinese national identity since the twentieth century. Secondly, it will look at the contemporary use of folk and fairy tales in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage (ICH) and in the operation of the cultural self-healing mechanism in Chinese culture.

Juwen Zhang is Professor of Chinese Studies, Dept. of Global Cultural Studies at Willamette University. He is Co-host of the Podcast: Yellow and Brown Tales: Asian American Folklife Today. His new books include Epidemics in Folk Memory: Tales and Poems from Chinese History; Oral Traditions in Contemporary China: Healing a Nation; and The Dragon Daughter and Other Lin Lan Fairy Tales.

Tuesday, April 19

10:00 am-12:00 pm
"Conquering Columbus: Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery," Karen Trucke and Jeanette Flaming, Kaneko Auditorium
Karen Trucke Jeanette FlamingA panel describes the theory and historic process of the Doctrine of Discovery with discovery of how the doctrine rationalized the taking of Indigenous lands by asserting ownership according to which among them first sighted or set foot on land previously unknown to Europe. This practice, known today as the Doctrine of Discovery, enabled Europeans to appropriate vast territories and build colonial empires. Using insights from law, religion, and philosophy, they will examine its contemporary influence and continued existence.

Karen Trucke and Jeanette Flaming, both ICL Curriculum Committee members, will be introducing and hosting this session.

Moderator: Torey Dolan, Native Vote Fellow, Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, ASU.

Panelists: Robert J. Miller, Willard H. Pedrick Distinguished Research Scholar and Faculty Director, Rosette LLP American Indian Economic; Douglas Lind, Professor and Department Head, Department of Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts and Human ¿ì»îÊÓƵs, Virginia Tech.

Thursday, April 21

10:00 am-12:00 pm
"The Missoula Flood and Related Cataclysms," Ken Ash [Judy Gram], Kaneko Auditorium
Ken AshThis talk relates, in some detail, the Great Missoula Flood and the still visible effects it left on the Pacific Northwest landscape. It also covers a few interacting regional cataclysms. Where appropriate, it mentions the, on a whim, trip to view and photograph these geological oddities.

Ken is a retired analytical chemist whose unfocused mind runs back and forth on a "related" string of subjects from history to cosmology. He enjoys, hiking, gardening, reading, entertaining, travel, and hopes ICL can soon regress to pre-Covid conditions. *History is the written record of humanity's doings. Archeology is history read in artifacts. Paleoanthropology is archaeology based on fossilized human remains. Expanded to include all fossils, paleoanthropology is anthropology which can be considered to include evolution. Anthropology is a subset of geology and was once the main method of geologic dating. Geology is the study of the planet we can study closest but we also study other planets with robot probs and various telescopes, that is astronomy. Planetary astronomy leads naturally to stellar, interstellar, and galactic astronomy. Astronomy is the base of cosmology. There you have it, a straight line from history to cosmology as viewed from an unfocused mind.

Tuesday, April 26

10:00 am-11:00 am
"Book Potpourri - Book Theme: Loss and Reconciliation," Christine Chute, Brenda Kidder, Chris Duval, and Becky Miller-Moe [Becky Miller-Moe], Kaneko Auditorium

Chris Duval  Brenda Kidder

Christine ChuteRebecca Miller-Moe

Chris Duval's book is Between Two Kingdoms:  A Memoir of a Life Interrupted by Suleika Jaouad.

Brena Kidder will be speaking on The Girl With Seven Names by Hyeonseo Lee.

Christine Chute will be talking about Pat Barker and the books The Silence of the Girls and The Trojan Women.

Becky Miller-Moe will talk about All Over Creation by Ruth Izeki. (Her book A Tale for the Time Being was Salem Reads book for 2021.)

ICL Members: Christine Chute (Class or 9/2021), Brenda Kidder (Class of 9/2021), Chris Duval (Class of 9/2016), and Becky Miller-Moe (Class of 9/2017).

11:00 am-12:00 pm
"Last Day of Class," ICL Board [Joan Robinson], Kaneko Auditorium
Joan Robinson Joan Robinson and ICL Board

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Institute for Continued Learning

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