

Tuesday, February 4

10:00-11:00 a.m.
"Proof," Willamette Theater Department Presentation [Deborah Ehlers], Ford 122

FEBRUARY 13 – MARCH 1, 2014

By: David Auburn
Director: Susan Coromel
Preview: February 13, 7:30 p.m.
Runs: February 14-March 1
Evening Performances: Thursday-Saturday, 7:30 p.m.
Matinees: February 16 and 22, and March 1, 2:00 p.m.


On the eve of her 25th birthday, Catherine, a troubled young woman, has spent years caring for her brilliant but unstable father, a famous mathematician. Now, following his death, she must deal with her own volatile emotions, the arrival of her estranged sister, Claire, and the attentions of Hal, a former student of her fathers’ who hopes to find valuable work in the 103 notebooks her father left behind. During the long weekend that follows, a burgeoning romance and the discovery of a mysterious notebook draw Catherine into the most difficult problem of all: How much of her father’s madness – or genius – did she inherit?

Director Susan Coromel and some of her theater students will present to ICL. They will be introducing us to the play production.

11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
"Experiencing Hubble: Understanding the Greatest Images of the Universe, 快活视频 4: The Star Factory inside the Eagle Nebula," Video lecture, Prof. David M. Meyer [Paul Rice], Ford 122

Explore the most iconic Hubble photo of all: the glowing pillars of gas and dust at the core of the Eagle Nebula. Resembling a fantasy landscape, this view shows young stars emerging from their cocoons of gas and dust in an interstellar molecular cloud.

1:00-3:00 p.m.
"Can we learn something by studying speed of movement and walking smoothness in older adults?" Brandi Row Lazzarini [Bill Griffits], Ford 122
Picture of Brandi Lazzarini

This class session will focus on aspects of function that relate to fall risk in older adults, and how they are measured. We will study the material related to a project conducted by Dr. Brandi Row Lazzarini and her students during the Summer of 2013. We evaluated speed of movement and walking smoothness in older adults. We explored whether treadmills are fair to use to study this aspect of function in seniors. We also pursued the development of a clinically-feasible test of rapid stepping function and control of movement, to determine if it has the potential to add value to functional assessments in the clinic. We will explore our results during this class session.

I am very pleased to be returning to Willamette University, my alma mater, as a faculty member. During the past several years (2006-12), I have taught in the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs at Western Washington University, including courses in Biomechanics, Functional Anatomy, Physical Dimensions of Aging, Functional Assessment of Older Adults, Physiology of Exercise, Laboratory Techniques in Biomechanics, and Statistics in Exercise 快活视频.

Prior to that, during the years 2003-6, I completed a Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at the Center for Studies in Aging, Sunnybrook Health 快活视频s Center, the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, and the Health Care, Technology, and Place Interdisciplinary Program, University of Toronto, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Thursday, February 6

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
"The Oregon Supreme Court," Paul J. De Muniz [Grant Thorsett], Ford 122

De MunizPaul De Muniz was chief justice of the Oregon Supreme Court from 2006 through 2012. As the head of Oregon's judicial branch of government De Muniz was responsible for the administration of Oregon's courts. De Muniz will discuss his tenure as chief justice, the current state of Oregon's courts, and what should be expected of Oregon's court system in the future.

The Honorable Paul J. De Muniz was elected to the Oregon Supreme Court in 2000 and served as the court's Chief Justice and administrative head of the Oregon Judicial Department from January 2006 to May 2012. Between 1990 and 2000, he sat on the Oregon Court of Appeals and served as presiding judge on one of the three panels that comprise that body. Prior to ascending to the bench, Justice De Muniz was in private practice for 13 years with the Salem, Oregon, law firm of Garrett, Seideman, Hemann, Robertson and De Muniz P.C., where he specialized in complex criminal and civil litigation, as well as appeals. From 1975 to 1977, he was a deputy public defender for the State of Oregon.

Paul De Muniz was raised by his mother in Portland, Oregon, and attended Portland's public schools. After finishing high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force and served a one-year tour of duty in Viet Nam. After his discharge from the service, Justice De Muniz received his bachelor degree from Portland State University in 1972 and his juris doctor from the Willamette University College of Law in 1975. De Muniz was the first Hispanic American elected to statewide office in Oregon. In 2010, Hispanic Business Magazine named him among the 100 most influential Hispanics in America. Today, he sits on the Board of Trustees of Willamette University and the World Affairs Council of Oregon. Justice De Muniz and his wife, Mary, reside in Salem, Oregon, and have three grown children and two grandchildren.

1:00鈥3:00 p.m.
"A Glimpse Inside The Wonderful World Of Movies," Loretta Miles [Betty Swinkels], Ford 122

milesLocal entrepreneur, Loretta MIles, will discuss the current state of film as seen through the eyes of a theater owner. Ms. Miles, owner and operator of Salem Cinema, will discuss her passion driven business and give a true insiders peek into the inner workings of owning an independent movie theater in today's rapidly changing industry.

Loretta Miles began working at Salem Cinema as a projectionist in 1984, two years after its founding. She purchased it in 1990. In 2009 she relocated the business from SE High Street to a three-screen theater at 1127 Broadway NE.

She was one of the founders of the Salem Film Festival. She is responsible for making Salem Cinema the Oregon venue for the Manhattan Short Film Festival.

Tuesday, February 11

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
"Mars," Irene Konopasek and Hardin King , Ford 122


MARS: Origins and present conditions; Probes and Satellites; Humans on Mars: plans for when and how.


1:00-2:00 p.m.
"The Story of Human Language Video Series, 快活视频 16: 'Dialects鈥擳wo Tongues in One Mouth'," Prof. John McWhorter , Ford 122


In most Arabic-speaking countries, the Arabic of public use (the media, speeches, writing) is essentially a different language from the one used casually and learned from parents. This phenomenon is called diglossia and is common worldwide. Swiss German speakers only occasionally see the language they speak on the page, where High German is required. Different languages are also often used in diglossic relationships: the Tanzanian often uses English and Swahili at work and a local native language at home. Diglossia is the template within which 6,000 languages and countless dialects share space on a planet with only 200-odd nations. The nonstandard dialect and the standard one often coexist in a structured relationship in a society. The standard or “high” (H) variety is used in formal situations, while the nonstandard or “low” (L) variety is used in informal ones. This is called diglossia, Greek for “two tongues.”

The presentation will be hosted by George Burt.

2:00鈥3:00 p.m.
"Willamette Academy, the Youngest at Willamette University," by Michele Gray [Bill Griffits], Ford 122

michele grayFor over ten years, Willamette Academy at Willamette University has been working to help local students achieve their dream of becoming the first person in their families to attend college through an after-school, weekend and summer program. Willamette Academy provides support, tools and resources to students and their families, so that promising young leaders who face innumerable barriers to success can truly achieve their potential.

Though our primary goal is to help students to graduate from high school and attend college, students gain so much more from the Academy program: confidence, self-awareness, life skills, leadership skills, and a sense of responsibility to their community. To date: 99 percent of Willamette Academy students have graduated from high school and 95% have gone on to the college of their choice.

Please join us to meet our students and learn more about Willamette Academy. For more information about Willamette Academy visit: http://www.willamette.edu/academy or call 503-370-6085.

Michele Gray is the Executive Director of Willamette Academy.

Thursday, February 13

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
"Willamette University鈥檚 Archives and Special Collections," Mary McRobinson [Judy Heltzel], Ford 122

mcrobinson What do the following individuals have in common: an 1868 Willamette alum, teacher, and mother; a foreign news correspondent expelled from Russia, Germany and Italy; the first woman elected as Oregon's Secretary of State; and a Salem photographer who gained recognition when named an associate in Alfred Stieglitz's famed Photo-Secession. Their personal manuscript collections can all be found in Willamette University's Archives and Special Collections. Come learn about the surprising collections housed in the Mark O. Hatfield Library.

Mary McRobinson is the University Archivist at Willamette University, a position she has held since March 2006. Before joining Willamette University, Mary was employed for five years at the University of Georgia, where she was Head of the Descriptive Services Unit at the Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies. She received her M.L.I.S. with an emphasis in archival enterprise from the University of Texas-Austin and her B.A. in history from the University of Nebraska-Omaha.

1:00-2:00 p.m.
"How to Listen to and Understand Great Music, Video 快活视频: Classical-era Form --- Sonata Form, part 1," Dr. Robert Greenberg, Ford 122

DISCLAIMER from Solveig Holmquist
Dear ICL members,
This afternoon will see a small departure from past practice, regarding the Greenberg music lectures. I'm not planning to do this again, but in this case it seemed right to show two consecutive lectures of his, since he's entitled them Part 1 and Part 2. I thought it kind to all of our memories (particularly mine) not to have a long gap between them.

Classical-era Form --- Sonata Form, Part I
To illustrate our analysis of sonata form in this lecture and the next, we turn to the fourth movement of Wolfgang Mozart's Symphony in G Minor, K. 550. Mozart composed a prodigious number of masterworks during his short life, despite constant poor health and alongside and astoundingly full and active personal life. The principle of dramatic thematic contrast inherent in sonata form is nowhere more apparent than in the fourth movement of Mozart's Symphony in G Minor, K. 550. The most complex of Classical-era forms, sonata form allows for the introduction and development of two or more contrasting principal themes. Although technically a form evolved from Baroque-era binary dance form, spiritually, sonata form was inspired by dramatic procedures inherent in opera.

2:00鈥3:00 p.m.
"How to Listen to and Understand Great Music, Video 快活视频: Classical-era Form --- Sonata Form, part 2," Dr. Robert Greenberg, Ford 122

GreenburgClassical-era Form -- Sonata Form, Part 2
Sonata form is an instrumental manifestation of operatic procedure, with the character introductions, development, denouement, and curtain calls of the opera house corresponding to the exposition, development, recapitulation, and coda of sonata form. In this lecture, with reference to the uniquely dramatic fourth movement of Mozart's Symphony in G Minor, K. 550, we will continue our examination of sonata form: the modulating bridge, the development section, and the recapitulation.

Tuesday, February 18

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
"Non Beneficial Care" and "Withholding vs. Withdrawing Treatment," Hong Lee [Peter Rasmussen], Ford 122


The First Hour: Non Beneficial Care
What is non beneficial care? What happens when patients or families ask for treatments that providers believe will not benefit the patient? This lecture will introduce the notion of non beneficial care and explore the complex ethical issues it engenders.

The Second Hour: Withholding vs. Withdrawing Treatment
Is there a moral difference between withholding and withdrawing treatment when doing so will result in the death of a patient? This talk examines the arguments that draw a moral equivalence between withholding and withdrawing treatment. However, I will proceed to argue that one can accept the conclusions of these arguments and still hold that a distinct moral-psychological difference exists between withholding and withdrawing treatment on the individual provider level.

2012 PHD., Applied Philosophy, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio.
2005 M.A., Applied Philosophy, Bowling Green State University.
2002 B.A., Philosophy and Asian Studies (Double Major), University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA

Postgraduate, Research and Speciality Training
2012-2013 Bioethics Fellow, Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
2011-2012 Bioethics Intern, Center for Biomedical Ethics, Metro-Health Medical Center, Cleveland, OH

Present Position
Director of Ethics/Medical Ethicist, Salem Health
Salem Hospital and West Valley Hospital

1:00-3:00 p.m.
"The Origin of the Iliad: A Greco-Anatolian Enterprise Constructing a Shared Past,", Mary Bachvarova [Kasia Quillinan], Ford 122

mary bachvarova

There are two scholarly approaches to the origin of the Iliad. The first asks:

Does the Iliad represent a distant memory of a historical event? Once deciphered in the 1920's, Hittite administrative documents from the Bronze Age capital Hattusa in central Anatolia referring to Alaksandu of Troy (Wilusa) and Achaeans (men of Ahhiyawa) seemed to support those who saw a historical kernel in the Iliad. The other approach examines the literary antecedents of the Iliad, searching out parallels to Near Eastern myth and epic, with a focus on Mesopotamian sources, particularly the Epic of Gilgamesh. I present a new view to the origin of the Iliad by combining the two approaches, and re-orienting the discussion towards historiography – the creation of a narrative of the distant past – instead of historical "fact."

I argue that only in the context of intense interaction between Greek-speakers and Anatolians at close quarters, in Ionia and Aeolis, could the Trojan War become such an important touchstone. Based on the archaeological and linguistic evidence I argue for a rather narrow date for the creation of Greek legend of the Trojan War, 1160-1050 BCE. Recent archaeological studies of Early Iron Age Troy show that at this time it was already a place for ritual activity, associated with ancestor veneration (hero cult) directed towards Late Bronze Age ruins. The archaeological evidence can be combined with Hittite rituals, myths, and legends that show how Bronze Age Anatolians positioned themselves in the flow of world history by adopting legends about the destruction of famous cities, and the voyages of the Akkadian conqueror Sargon the Great and Gilgamesh, and deploying them in necromantic rituals calling on powerful dead heroes. Thus, Homer's work represents the culmination of an Anatolian enterprise of creating and making use of a mythical past, into which the Greeks inserted themselves at the beginning of the Early Iron Age.

Mary Bachvarova is Assistant Professor, Classical Studies Progam at Willamette University

Her Bachvarova's bio.

2002 Ph.D. with Honors, University of Chicago, "From Hittite to Homer: The Role of Anatolians in the Transmission of Epic and Prayer Motifs from the Near East to the Greeks," (Committee: Shadi Bartsch (head); Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.; Calvert Watkins (Harvard University); Christopher Faraone)
1997 M.A., University of Chicago, "The Treatment of hakāra in the Classificatory Systems of Sanskrit Grammarians"
1993-2002 Graduate Student in the Committee on the History of Culture, University of Chicago
1990-1992 Graduate Student-at-large, University of Chicago
1984-1990 A.B. in Classics: Greek and Latin, Magna cum Laude, Harvard University/Radcliffe College
1980-1984 Trinity School, New York City

Thursday, February 20

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
"Great Decisions: China's Foreign Policy," Greg Felker [J. Flaming], Ford 122

ChinaChina has gone to great lengths to emphasize the “peaceful” nature of its meteoric rise. Yet few dispute that China is the dominant regional power in Asia – and in recent years Beijing began to flex its muscles regionally in order to advance its strategic interests. What does the rapid rise of this new superpower mean for other countries in the region, and are there potential points of conflict with the U.S. as it “pivots” to Asia?

Great Decisions guest presenter is Willamette Professor Greg Felker.

FelkerProfessor Felker joined Willamette University in 2005 after teaching in the Division of Social 快活视频s at the Hong Kong University of 快活视频 & Technology and as a visiting faculty member of the Department of Government & Politics at the University of Maryland, College 快活视频. He received his Ph.D. and MPA from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs at Princeton University, and his B.A. from the University Professors Program at Boston University. He teaches courses in Asian and International Politics, including the politics of development and macro-social change, technology, globalization, and international relations and political economy, and has published in these fields. From 2007-2009 he served as Chair of the Malaysia / Singapore / Brunei Studies Group of the Association for Asian Studies.


Ph.D. - Princeton University
MPA - Princeton University
B.A. - Boston University

1:00-3:00 p.m.
"The Ness of Brodgar: A Key to Understanding the Neolithic of the British Isles," Scott Pike [Judy Heltzel], Ford 122


The archaeological excavations at the Ness of Brodgar, on the Orkney Islands in northern Scotland, are among the most important active excavations in the British Isles, if not the world. Covering 2.5 hectares, the site sits on a narrow spit of land that acts as a natural causeway between the standing stone circles of the Ring of Brodgar and the Stones of Stenness. Predating the more famous Stonehenge 550 miles to the south, the phenomenal preservation of the Ness of Brodgar is allowing archaeologists to investigate what appears to be a series of non-domestic temple-like structures. The large buildings are too large for domestic spaces and researchers are at a loss as to how the buildings were used.

This presentation will place the Ness of Brodgar in its regional archaeological context. We will take a pictorial tour of the important Neolithic sites on Orkney and then focus on the Ness of Brodgar itself. We will take a look at the site and structures uncovered to date as well as discuss hypothesis as to the site's function and purpose. The talk will also highlight Willamette’s involvement with excavations including our own archaeological field school and student research.

Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Georgia, 2000
B.A. in Anthropology from Oberlin College

Introduction to Environmental 快活视频, Physical Geology, Environmental Geology, Archaeological Geology, Senior Seminar, Archaeological Field School, Advanced Archaeological Field School, College Colloquium (Homer’s Odyssey as Natural History; The Unnatural Hazards of Natural Disaster Movies and Collaboration & Competition: Natural Resource Economics and Policy of the Columbia River Gorge), Summer Collaborative Research Program, TIUA

Professional Interests
As both a trained geologist and archaeologist, my research uses geological theories and methodologies to tackle archaeological and art historical problems. Currently, I am pursuing two major research trajectories. The first is a study on the synergistic relationships between societies and their changing landscapes. That is, I am using geologic principals and methods to understand how the landscape influences the development of human cultures and, in turn, how dynamic landscapes influence social and cultural stability and change. My second line of research focuses on the procurement, use, trade and aesthetics of white marble used in the ancient Mediterranean basin. Current marble research in this area includes analysis of marble samples from the Parthenon and Propylaea on the Athenian acropolis as well as marble analysis from samples of the Temple of Apollo at Bassai and from marble fragments collected from a sunken Roman marble transport ship being excavated off the coast of Turkey.

Tuesday, February 25

10:00 a.m.鈥12:00 p.m.
Title TBA, Karen Landers M.D., Marion County Health Department [Peter Rasmussen], Ford 122

Description TBA

Preventive Medicine Physician at the Marion County Health Department

Preventive medicine physicians focus on preventing health conditions from developing, rather than the treatment of a disease. They can operate at the public health and individual patient levels. Preventive medicine treatments include regular physical examinations, annual screening tests, immunizations and sanitation recommendations, such as hand washing. High-risk patients, such as those with family histories of certain diseases, may receive additional or more frequent screenings for early disease detection. On a public health level, a preventive medicine specialist may focus on food and water safety, insect control or hygiene.

Education and Medical Training
University of Utah Residency in Pediatrics
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine

Certifications & Licensure
OR State Medical License
American Board of Pediatrics
American Board of Preventive Medicine

Awards, Honors, & Recognition
Fellow (FAAP) American Academy of Pediatrics

1:00-3:00 p.m.
"Classic-era Forms," Sean Paul Mills [Solveig Holmquist], Ford 122

millsSean Paul Mills, Conductor of Salem Philharmonia will discuss and demonstrate Classic-era forms, and particularly the Mozart Piano Concerto #24. This concerto will be presented in the Philharmonia’s March concerts. The concerts will be in two Salem venues.

Doctor of Musical Arts in Violoncello Performance & Pedagogy - University of Iowa (1992)
Master of Music in Performance - University of Oregon (1989)
Bachelor of Music in Performance – University of Oregon (1988)
Artistic Director & Conductor, Willamette Valley Symphony
Artistic Director & Conductor, Salem Philharmonia Orchestra
Music Faculty, Chemeketa Community College
Co-Chief Instructor & Technical Director, Central Valley Shotokan Karate-do

Sean Paul Mills is a native of Eureka, California and attended Humboldt State University, the University of Oregon (Bachelor of Music and Master of Music degrees), and the University of Iowa (Doctor of Musical Arts Degree in Violoncello Performance and Pedagogy). He studied cello with Horatio Edens, Dr. Robert Hladky, Terry King, and Charles Wendt, and conducting with Dr. Phillip Kates, Dr. Madeline Schatz, Marsha Mabrey, Dr. Royce Saltzman, and James Dixon. Sean has also participated in workshops and festivals with Helmuth Rilling, Krzysztof Penderecki, Dr. Weston Noble, Gunther Schuller, and Dr. Donald Neuen.

Sean has performed as cellist and conductor in California, Oregon, Arizona, Nevada, Iowa, Illinois, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Austria as a member of the Humboldt Symphony, the Humboldt Chamber Players, the Oregon Mozart Players, the Oregon Bach Festival Orchestra, the Quad City Symphony, the Manzanita Piano Trio, the Oregon Coast Music Festival Orchestra, and other ensembles. Sean has also served on the faculties of Grinnell College, Kirkwood Community College, Coconino Community College, and Oregon State University, and is a Founder of the Flagstaff Light Opera Company (FLOC) and has also served as Music Director & Conductor for the FLOC, the Coconino Community Orchestra, and the Coconino Chamber Orchestra, as the Director of Music at The Church of the Red Rocks, Music Director of the Verde Valley Sinfonietta, and as the Artistic Director & Conductor of the Red Rock Community Chorale.

He is also an active member of the League of American Orchestras, the Conductors Guild, the Oregon Education Association, and the Oregon Cello Society. Sean is the Founding Artistic Director & Conductor of the Willamette Valley Symphony () and the Salem Philharmonia Orchestra (), a member of the music faculty at Chemeketa Community College, Co-Chief Instructor of Central Valley Shotokan Karate (www.centralvalleyshotokankarate.org), and coaches at the "Majors" level for Albany Little League. He resides in Albany, Oregon with his wife, Susana (Executive Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Full Professor of Spanish Linguistics & Diversity Advancement at Oregon State University), son, Daniel, and Bernese Mountain Dog, Boomer.

Sean is blessed to be the caretaker of a beautiful cello made by Otto Seifert in 1924.

Thursday, February 27

10:00 a.m.鈥12:00 p.m.
"Salem Public Library: Past, Present, Future," B J Toewe [Paul Rice], Ford 122

bj toewe

B.J Toewe has a B.S. from Drexel University with a double major in early childhood education and home economics education but student teaching in both areas led her to working with preschoolers. She taught preschoolers in day care centers for two years in low income areas in North Philadelphia and outside Trenton, NJ.

She went to Rutgers University and received a Masters in Library 快活视频 with certification to be either a school librarian or a children's librarian in a public library. She was hired to be the Children's Library Coordinator for Hunterdon County Library in Flemington, N.J., where she stayed for six years. Moved to Salem, OR. in 1982 to be the Children's Services manager at Salem Public Library. Served in this capacity until 2009, when she was asked to be acting-in-capacity Library Administrator. This position became permanent in 2010.

She has been active in both the NJ Library Association and the Oregon Library Association, serving on both association boards at different times. In OLA, she has twice been elected to be the Youth Services Division Chair, had two terms on the Legislative Committee, and several years on the Public Relations committee. She was a founding member of the OLA Young Adult network, which focuses on improving library services to teens. Was awarded the OLA Evelyn Sibley Lampman Award in 1990 (presented annually "in recognition of a significant contribution to the children of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest in the fields of literature and/or library services"). Also won the 2005 OLA Distinguished Service Award (in recognition of exceptional service over a period of years). Both awards were awarded to her by her peers in this profession.

1:00-3:00 p.m.
鈥淐limate Change - Fact or Fiction,鈥 Kathie Dello [Gary Beck], Ford 122


The old saying goes, “everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it.” Well, there are those who say we really have been doing something and it’s not good! By this time, most of us have either taken a stance on the question of whether humans are responsible for acceleration in the rate of change in the climate or that it is just a normal cycle and we don’t need to be concerned. Unfortunately, most of us have based our opinions on either hopeful thinking or incomplete, or worse, bad information. Today we are fortunate to hear a summary of current research in what may well be one of the most important issues facing mankind.

Associate Director of OCCRI (Oregon Climate Change Research Institute); Deputy Director, Oregon Climate Service
Discipline: Physics of Oceans and Atmospheres

Ph.D student, Environmental 快活视频, Oregon State University (summer 2013 - present)
M.A., Geography, State University of New York at Albany, 2007.
B.S., Atmospheric 快活视频

Willamette University

Institute for Continued Learning

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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